Legend Koreis


The next holiday on the Crimean coast and my young man decided not to spend not in a big city, as it was before, but in the village. Coreiza was chosen only because it is located in close proximity to the Misharist Park, which we loved on excursions in previous arrivals on the peninsula.

The village itself is very close to many remarkable places in the Crimea, so we were not afraid to get bored in it. Next door to us were Vorontsovsky, Mishorsky and Alupkin Parks, evening walks in which brought a lot of pleasure. At first, even felt coniferous air, to which we were very quickly accustomed and stopped feeling. Visiting local palaces caused mystical sensations. It seemed, we travel in time, although they were 15 minutes ago on the beach.

In Koreaiz, we decided not to buy vouchers in advance in one of the sanatoriums or the recreation center, and settled in the private sector when they had already arrived at the place. Since the apartment was 15 minutes from the Pension Mishor, then breakfasts and dinners we paid in their dining room.

By the end of August, the heat began to gradually retreat and it became very easy to breathe. The air warmed up during the daytime to 27-28 degrees, at night the temperature was lowered at least +22. Despite the gradual decrease in air temperature, the water in the sea has already warmed up for the previous months to remain stable +26 degrees. For two weeks, that we were on the coast of Korees, the rains were not at all. But cloudy weather with multiple clouds was observed several times.

Korea himself, like many places in the Crimea, is enveloped by a variety of legends. On one of the excursions, we told the story of a sculptural composition, which tells one dramatic story. On the shore, Mermaid with a child symbolizes the Crimean, abducted by the Turks and jumped from the tower to the sea from the longing of the homeland.

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On the shores installed the second sculpture, symbolizing her groom, who was stolen by a girl.

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We heard such legends about the Crimea not enough that he added some mysterious rest.

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