Useful information about the holiday in Spain.


Having gathered to rest in Spain, most tourists imagine a bright warm sun and a delicious bright food. And it is quite close to the truth. This is a country with a very warm and mild climate, intoxicating with its beauty and unique landscapes.

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Having been in Spain, it is necessary to get acquainted with her Kitchen which will not leave anyone indifferent.

One of the most popular dishes are considered to be paella - Unique Rice dish with the addition of meat and seafood. Immediately I want to note that several hundreds of Palelia variants are rare, and in each region, and in different restaurants or families, the traditions of her preparation may differ. But with the fact that this is truly a masterpiece of cooking almost impossible.

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Another national dish is Hamon - A cheered ham, which is able to be awesome not only by an impressive view, but also a perfect taste. This is the real pride of the Spaniards. In numerous shops you can see various sausage , by which you also should not pass, as they will undoubtedly affect you with their wealth of taste.

A lot in Spanish cuisine and Seafood . In most Spanish families, fish takes an honorable place on the table at least several times a week. Great respect is nourished here, first of all, Tuna . But in great demand uses Anchovies , I. Sardines which can often be seen fried on the grill or on a spit. Among the sea delicacies are special love Oysters, sea scallops, mussels and shrimps, Which are an integral part of many Spanish dishes. If you see the name "Frutos del Mar" (which means seafood), then be prepared to see all sorts of marine areas.

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Popular on the Mediterranean coast of Spain is a dish " Sarsuela ", which is a real assorted stew fish and seafood with thick sauce.

One of the inalienable details of Spanish cuisine, especially in restaurants, are Tapas - Small snacks served before eating to beer or guilt. But immediately pounce on them are not worth it - they are so tasty and satisfying that I can detect the whole portion, you can find out with surprise that there is no place for dinner.

And, of course, you can not forget about olives . Where, as not here, you can enjoy their divine taste. But it is not necessary to immediately run into the supermarket - olives in tin cans differ little from our usual. It is better to take a walk to the local market and buy olives, painted in barrels in different seasonings, for merchants - you will definitely not find such at home.

Sweet lovers will delight Spanish desserts, one of the most sought-after among which is Tourron. - Nougat with nuts. It can be easily found in any store, so the delicious souvenir is provided to you. Also big love in the Spaniards enjoy a variety Flans (Puddings) and creams, among which the most famous - Crema Catalana. (Catalan cream, which includes milk, egg yolks, sugar, lemon zest and cinnamon).

It is impossible to leave Spain without trying their traditional Cheese . As a rule, they are simply cut and served on the table to the guilt. In each region there is its own traditional cheese, which is characteristic of this area, so it is necessary to try, because you are unlikely to find it somewhere else.

And of course you can not forget about Spanish alcohol . The most popular Spanish wine is fastened sherry who drink not only independently, but also for an aperitif. Another traditional Spanish drink is Sangria - Wine with spices and fruit, often supplemented with ice and perfectly quenching thirst on a hot day. Appreciated and spanish wine , After all, the country is one of the largest centers of winemaking. Therefore, it is not surprising that every dinner is usually accompanied by a glass of good wine. But it is a little stronger than French, so you need to be a bit cautious, so as not to be fastened to push it with mild cunning.

As for the process and ritual of lunch or dinner, it must be remembered that the Spaniards are the people, though temperamental, but measured, therefore the process of absorption of delicious dishes can be delayed for several hours interrupted by unhurried conversations.


Walking around the local lively streets, it is better to keep money and documents with you and in sight, because street thiefs are quite common for Spain phenomenon. Also, it will be better if you leave the original documents at the hotel, and in the bag you will wear a photocopy of documents (in case of need for them). Well, I would not advise to walk through little-known deserted catches in the dark, and even alone. Although in major tourist centers, the safety level is quite high, in remote areas, especially not very prosperous, the crime rate remains quite high enough. True, in a resort place and near the main attractions, and especially during the day, it is possible and you need to feel quite calm and confident.


Get ready for the fact that numerous traders of baubles will come across the eyes, which can simply attack, offering their goods. To buy something from the hands would probably be rashly, as the quality of such products is very doubtful. Shopping is better to go to one of numerous shops or to the market, the benefit of prices and the range are very happy.

In Spain, as in most European countries, the Tax Free VAT refund system has been operating, which can be used when making a large purchase by issuing an appropriate check in the store.


1. Using car , Remember that all passengers must be fastened. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine, and the likelihood that you will stop, quite high. And remember that the movement in the city is limited to 40 km / h, along the usual road - 100 km / h and by freeway - 120 km / h.

2. During the trip to Spain, do not forget about Sieste. - Afternoon rest, as a rule from 14.00 to 17.00 (in state institutions from recently until 15.00), during which stores and some establishments can be closed. True, in the context of the crisis, many owners refused this, providing employees with the opportunity to work in two shifts, but do not be surprised if you see the doors of the places you need closed.

3. Climate Spain is soft enough, therefore, as a rule, special vaccines are not required. However, if you have any serious health problems, it is better to advise in advance with the attending physician.

Well, most importantly, this is the fact that Spain is a beautiful country, just created for recreation and acquaintance with her rich history, left a trace in numerous architectural monuments. This is a country that can affect not only its friendliness or delicious cuisine, its natural beauty, but also a special atmosphere, which will not meet anywhere else.

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