What is worth viewing in Krakow?


Krakow deservedly considered a beautiful Polish city. His majestic architecture is impressive, and the atmosphere fascinates.

Start the inspection of the city and acquaintance with its main attractions are better with Barbakana serving once a reliable means of protection against unborn guests and the only entrance to the city.

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From here you can go through Royal tract which will open you the main historical and cultural attractions of proud and will enjoy his greatness.

The heart of the city can be called Market Square , founded in the 13th century. But this is not just one of the oldest, but also one of the largest European areas. Most of the buildings were built in the 14th and 14th centuries and was rebuilt in 17-18. Thus, it can be said that most of them wears a distinct imprint of the past eras.

Here it is necessary to turn your attention to the Town Hall Tower, the Church of St. Wojca, a monument to Adam Mitskevich and Zbaraski Palace. And without doubt, the most visited place on this area is Mariatsky CostaL. . The attention of all tourists is immediately attracted by the rushed tower of the church, from which the gold-plated tube is turned off every hour, making wonderful sounds. True, trumpeter never flies its melody to the end. This is due to the legend, according to which, in the 14th century, the trumpets, which is in his post, noticed the approaching enemy and played anxious melody. But I did not have time to do, because I was killed by an enemy arrow. At the price of his life, he managed to prevent citizens about the impending danger. In memory of this event, so far, the trumpets do not flip their melody to the end, reminding us of a beautiful legend.

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At the other end of the area there is a high, 70-meter tower The remaining of the town hall that was once here, burned in the 17th century from lightning. It is noteworthy that the element left its mark on the tower - she tied out from a strong blow. And despite the fact that it was strengthened on the one hand, it is possible to notice its light slope.

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In the center of the square, the honorable place occupies a 100-meter building shopping rows (Sukenitsa), built in the 14th century and the completed parade halls and galleries in the 16th - 18th centuries. Nowadays, the first floor of the gallery occupy small benches, where you can buy all souvenirs. On the second floor there is a museum where Polish painting and sculpture are represented.

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Walking through Krakow streets, it is impossible to pass by Jagiellon University - The oldest and authoritative in all of Europe of the highest educational institution. Now you can visit the museum, the exposition of which is devoted to the history of the university or just wander through the inner courtyard of this powerful and inspiring the respect of the institution.

One of the most beautiful cathedrals of Krakow is the Church of the Jesuit, built in the Baroque style at the end of 16 - early 17 as a gift of the Polish king. In front of the temple, the figures of the 12 apostles are located, and the facade of the cathedral simply amazes with its grace and luxury.

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It is impossible to get acquainted with Krakow, without visiting his Royal Palace - Wawel. After all, this is not just a palace - this is a real architectural ensemble, which survived many owners, each of which left its own, unique trace. During the excursion, you will probably show the chapel of Sigmund, in which there is a huge bell, look at which, according to legend, you can only once, not forgetting to make a desire.

Here is the magnificent Cathedral of the Saints Stanislav and Waclav, at the entrance to which the bones of the mammoth, bring bringing good luck and happiness to the city. In this temple, the tomb of the Polish kings is located, as well as the famous debris altar, at which all the monarchs at different times brought their military trophies.

In the Wawel Palace, you can not only admire the testimony of the historic past Krakow, but also just walk, enjoying a beautiful view or sit on a bench at the site, which opens an unsurpassed view of the Vistula and the city itself.

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A picturesque park ring spread around the old city - Plants where you can feel an unforgettable atmosphere of pacification and romance.

If you have time, you can visit Kazimezh - Jewish city, once the former Krakow suburb. It was here that the films of the movie "Schindler List" known throughout the world. In Kazimier, there are also two amazing cathedrals: the Church of the Holy Catharina and the Church of the Body of the Lord, which stores the famous canvas "Wauche worship" by Tomasso Dolabella, who was the court artist of the Polish king Sigmund III.

Krakow and many interesting museums can boast, among which the Krakow National Museum can be distinguished, the Archaeological Museum, the Museum of Art Charters and the Museum of Photography.

In general, I would like to note that Krakow is essentially a real open-air museum, where every building, especially if the old town is concerned, has its own unique and fascinating centuries-old history. It is just a unique, masterpiece, which is necessary to visit!

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