There are no problems on Zanzibar, or Akun Matata!


To go in winter to Tanzania to the resort Zanzibar - it means for 10-12 hours of flight, usually with a transplant, moving to the summer, tropics, and give yourself 10-14 days of careless holidays. This trip must be carefully planned, especially carefully choose a hotel, so that there are no sings and tides on the selected coast. In the clock of low tide (this time is usually highlighted at the hotel for information) water leaves a few kilometers, and it is impossible to bathe. We at such a time went on the excursions that organized the hotel, or made trips on their own. The air temperature was + 26-34 s, the water in the ocean is very warm.

The issue with food was solved like this: breakfasts on the basis of the hotel, lunch and dinner - in restaurants. In some excursions dinner entered as part of the program, for example, during the blue safari: after resting on a picturesque island and diving with masks, we were offered a rest on another island, dinner from seafood and a small walk. Here we were able to buy charming souvenirs - candlesticks from ebony, sundresses, African-style blouses, figurines, paintings and more.

Every day was saturated - bathing, walking, excursions. On the inspection of the old capital Zanzibar - Stone Town is needed all day, so we did. The city is a labyrinth of old narrow streets where it is easy to get lost. At every turn - shops and shops of local goods. It is worth buying cotton clothes, jewelry from coconut, wood and silver.

Moved on a taxi island, since the concept of transport here includes close buses that go irregularly. We visited all parts of Zanzibara, and in the north in Nungvi Beach most liked. Here is a large comfortable free beach for everyone.

The total poverty of the villages and residents of Zanzibar is noticeable. However, locals are very friendly and smiling. After greetings - "Jumbo" they usually say - "Akun Matata", which means

There are no problems on Zanzibar, or Akun Matata! 26808_1

There are no problems on Zanzibar, or Akun Matata! 26808_2

"All's good, no problem!". And although it shows the naked eye that social problems on the island are more than enough, the faces of Zanzibars emit kindness, sincere participation and the desire to help. They are faithful to this promise and help.

In the cafe and restaurants service to the highest score, if necessary, will get the wine, even if there is no it in the menu (Zanzibar lives according to Muslim traditions). After returning home, I wanted to repeat - Africa is beautiful. This is the place where it will want to return. The blue warm ocean and the kite flying across the sky is one of the bright memories of rest on Zanzibar.

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