Pleasant autumn acquaintance with Sevastopol


I will start with the fact that the idea of ​​visiting the autumn Crimea arose with me for quite a long time, after I came across an article with photos on the Internet. The time of vacation approached, and I thought, ride one or find a company. And for the first time in life, I was looking for a traveler through the Internet. And found, by the way.

A little embarrassed by the fact that from my city there were no direct flights, and I had to take a flight with a transfer. Prices for flights to Simferopol Dear.

The October Crimea met me with beautiful warm soft autumn weather.

I got to Sevastopol by bus, about two hours. By the way, the bus station is near the airport.

They stopped at the apartment in the city center, relatives live there, and they provided us with housing.

We have only 5 free days at our disposal, and we decided to use them to the maximum. As far as possible to visit the excursions, inspect the city. Bought guidebooks, compiled a plan.

The weather stood excellent, no precipitation, no rain.

We decided to start with Sevastopol, and on the remaining days to ride in the peninsula.

As a result, they started acquaintance with the city from Schimov Square, went to the Victory Park, walked through the historical boulevard, they also visited the Museum-panorama "Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855."

They continued the walk through the Primorsky Boulevard, after which they went on a boat on the Museum of the Black Sea Fleet.

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The next day, in the morning we went to Sapun-Mountain.

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Further, we visited the Museum "35 Coast Battery," I really liked the excursion.

A separate day was allocated to Chersonese and Balaklava.

Sevastopol City is unique, the abundance of Russian flags was still rushing, they are everywhere where possible.

People are very pleasant, sociable. And they will tell, and the road will be shown, and advise.

Evenings walked around the city center, tourists by the way there are still quite a lot.

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The remaining days went to Yalta. And there are already your attractions.

It was left almost with tears, crowded with impressions and emotions, since the autumn Crimea conquered me. I will come back there, but in the summer and two weeks.

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