Many Sun, Wind and Sea - Our Unforgettable Holidays in Berdyansk


Honestly, at first, rest in Berdyansk reacted skeptical: well, is it true that such a special can be expected from this resort? And now I must confess that I was mistaken. And how was wrong! Without exaggeration, I can say that rest in Berdyanse with children, and I have them two (sons, three years and fourteen years old) is exactly what you need.

And now everything is in order. Let's go to Berdyansk in early August at the rate of what will be no longer too hot and mistaken. The first few days was simply impossible heat, so we went to the sea until eleven and after four. But this fact did not upset us at all, since it was without the sea than to take themselves.

To begin, we decided to visit the Berdyansk water park and did not lose: many slides, there is a children's zone in which they splashed with the younger, and an adult, where the eldest son went. I have impressions of both - delight! In the end, they stayed there instead of four hours, as they expected, almost twice the longest. On the territory of the water park you can relax in the shade of trees, and have a snack: pizza, fast food, sweets and a lot more. In general, the most positive impressions of the visit.

I really liked the usual walks in the city and the promenade. On the central promenade zone simply a huge number of all sorts of cafes, restaurants, kebab shops, Cheburny, pizzerias with friendly sellers. You can also take a cycle car than we with children and took advantage. Subsequently, it became a mandatory evening program. In addition, the program included the amusement park, where the younger son chopped electric cars. Be sure to advise you to ride on the ferris wheel, offering an amazing view of the city and the sea.

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Actually about the sea. At first, we went with children on the third beach, the so-called "Island of happiness": our mini-hotel was there. The beach is long enough, equipped with cabins. The sea is in moderation clean, there is practically no waves, a small shell beach. Of the minuses - a lot of people, even in that part of it, where we stopped: not in the center, and closer to the exit from the beach, in large boulders. In general, the impressions are positive. It was true, one "but": the eldest son literally struggled by large waves, and here they were not and could not be.

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In this regard, it was decided to go to Berdyanskaya Kosh: to begin with the neighbor. Let's go for a taxi, although you can both the bus (go every 10-15 minutes), but I wanted to quickly and comfortably, all the same hot and air conditioners are not provided in buses. And what I want to say: That's where the real sea! Huge waves simply jump out and throw it over, to keep on the legs is simply impossible. True, there are also cons: very strong, quite cool wind, after a couple of hours I had to even slightly like. And the complete absence of at least some infrastructure, in any case where we stopped there was no decisiveness. So prudently made croissants and pizza were very by the way.

After the neighboring braids passed to the far. Contrary to the wave expectations were an order of magnitude less. Absolutely wild beach and cormorants that we managed to feed the bun. In general, complete unity with nature.

You can still tell a lot about, but it is better to come and see everything yourself. I am sure, Berdyansk will not disappoint you.

In conclusion, I want to say: those who still doubt go to Berdyansky resort or not, I will answer: Of course to go! Perhaps youth leisure will seem boring, although there are discos, and nightclubs, and a cinema and a lot more. But for a budget holiday with children, this is what you will undoubtedly have to do.

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