Future for Abu Dhabi!


The capital of the Emirates cannot boast of the oldest history of Rome or the fascinating charm of Paris, but she confidently seeks leadership and glory, conquering authority in the world, using the word most ... The largest park and the logo of Ferrari, a skyscraper, superior to the tilt level of the tower of Pisa, the most Fast Roller Coaster, the world's first round 23-storey building, the largest carpet and the most charming mosque.

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Future for Abu Dhabi! With a quote in my head from your favorite "Sex and The City" I flew to Abu Dhabi for the first time two years ago, I could not really know anything about the city. No, of course, I'm all googled, overtoiled all sorts of forums and went through all tags in the game, however, the acquaintance of the real and virtual is two big differences as they would say in Odessa. Many talk about Abu Dhabi that he is boring that it is Dubai, but without shine and chic. I do not agree! First, in hell is very safe! Secondly, in hell very comfortable! And that is important for me personally - in Abu Dhabi is very green. The city definitely justified my hopes and became one of the favorite trends for rest.

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One of the main impressions was the Great Mosque Sheikh Zaid. We were in it twice, and I would have just recommended to go there in the afternoon to admire the snow-white marble sparkling in the sun rays and in the evening when the color illumination is turned on and the mosque becomes like a fantastic fairytale palace.

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In many cities of the Persian Gulf, there are seaside embankments, named "Cornish", but it seems to me that Abu Dhabi Kornish is the most beautiful, well-groomed and picturesque. The parking zone stretching 8 kilometers along the bay, on the one hand fenced near the skyscrapers, on the other side of the root. Great place to walk.

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You need a few days to inspect all the sights of the island of Yas. He is a little similar to the island of Satoze in Singapore. Here are the Theme Park Ferrari World and Yas Waterworld (in my opinion, one of the best water parks), also a prestigious racing track, known simply as Yas Marina. Here the Grand Prix of Formula 1 passes, but you can also try your forces on the highway, ordering the tour on the road. And even admire the unusual architecture of Yas Marina Hotel and on the pier with a hundred glamorous yachts, shopping in the largest shopping center Yasmall, sunbathe on the Yas Beach beach.

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There is no shortage of the reasons why travelers seek to visit Abu Dhabi. The capital is filled with a variety of attractions, interesting places and entertainment.

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