Visa to Abkhazia.


Abkhazia is a place where the Russian tourist can go without a passport for rest. Even there they love to ride those who for one or another reasons for traveling abroad is prohibited. In principle, on this pluses and end. The disadvantages of this republic with interest overlap the advantages of visa-free entry.

The easiest way to cross the border by train, which goes to Sukhuma. And those who ride their move or by car from Adler will have to overcome the Russian-Abkhaz border, and this procedure is not the most pleasant. If the tourist goes to Abkhazia for the first time, then often orders a transfer from the hotel. It must be found, to carry across the border and help everything. In general, everything is very convenient. But in fact, this happens extremely rare. Abkhaza is generally very interesting and leisurely people and for them to be late for an hour and a half - this is not late at all. And they always ask for a position and understand them. And after a long clock spent on the train, enter the position to wait at the transfer station, even if you have paid, not every tourist wants. And in this case, he needs to ride on the border on the Psou River.

There is the cheapest option to get to it by bus, it is written on it that it follows PSU. And a more convenient option is, of course, a taxi. But it is not necessary to rush into the arms of the first oncoming taxis, which helps unload things from the train and, which takes you under the white handles and leads to its vehicle. It is necessary to clearly know that you should not know anything for the unloading of things, and speak politely and go bargain with other taxi drivers. They have the prices much lower, but it is necessary to ask the price from different drivers and be sure to bargain, especially with Armenians. And then the representatives of this nation love very much at the end of the way to say that they drove on another road without traffic jams, so that it turned out faster, and kilometers drove more and demand a ticket for travel more. Give them so much money as it was specified when landing.

And now, finally the border is achieved. In the foot of the tourist running on vacation, the bridge is waiting for a bridge of two kilometers long.

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And, of course, this is not the most pleasant comparison, but the only association is with a herd that goes in opposite directions. This is how this border is organized. First you need to go through the Russian part of this path. There they check passports and let go with the world. And then the Abkhaz part expects, where the passport is once again carefully and leisurely and make it forced to buy anyone who does not need medical insurance. There is an insurmountable desire to throw it into the trash can, but it is not worth doing this. Because any Abkhaz in the form of a border guard from the booth, similar to the hut Baba Yaga will force her again if you do not present it.

But since the border wants to be modern and steep, then there is still a duty free. For those who do not know, I will explain what kind of Dutty Frey Abkhazki. This is a small pavilion, in which cigarettes and alcohol are selling in three expensive. The main chief of this pavilion is his loud name and actually, the price tags in the euro. Who will have to go to the republic, in which there was no other currency, except for rubles, from the euro, the story silent.

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In general, I will say honestly that the procedure for passing the border on foot, nor the most pleasant and many tourists this procedure can very much to spoil the impression of the long-awaited future rest. This is especially true of families with young children and with a large amount of baggage. But there is true, you can hire a loader and this is another plus of the Russian-Abkhaz border.

And for those who travel on the car are awaiting problems of another kind. First of all, the car is carefully examined on Russian territory and then you will need to still fill out the application in two copies, which indicates the data of the machine. In addition to the driver's insurance, you will need to still post 150 rubles for the so-called collection. Another inconvenience is that when passing the border, there can be only one person in the car, that is, the driver. And no one worries that his family with a small child, for example, should go on foot. And often it happens that passengers passing the border much faster, they are forced to wait their car. And the passage can take several hours. And it's not even that there are a lot of cars there, but that everything is done very slowly.

When passing the border and on foot and by car with children, some requirements must be performed. If the child goes to 18 years old with one of the parents, then you need a notarized certified permission from the second. And with this very strict. When I tried to drive a woman with a younger sister of 17 years. And they did not miss them, demanding the permission from the parents of the girl. I know that they were going to go to Adler, so that their parents would send permission there, and it takes a lot of time. Probably easier and stay to rest in Adler.

And even if the child has already been 14 years old and he has a Russian passport, still at the border requires her birth certificate.

But I can refress that when the border is passed on the way back, the documents are already looking so carefully. And for the presence of insurance and the like do not pay any attention at all. Machines on the way back do not inspect.

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In my opinion, there you can even drive around the stolen car, no one will notice. But there is one circumstance that even the most good memories of rest can be sang. This is nothing like a queue from cars that are trying to go through the border. And it will be good if you go to the evening day and do not have to wait for a few hours. I don't even know what such mockery of people can be connected with this and complete disrespect. After all, people brought money there, which spent on vacation and left in this republic. So really it is impossible to carry them out so that they wanted to return there again. I personally did not have such a desire and every time it takes a vacation after the procedure for passing the Russian-Abkhaz border. I hope that there is something to change for the better. Nobody needs such a border, although without a passport.

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