Is it worth going to the Balti?


Balti is the second largest, except for Tiraspol who is currently the capital of Transnistria and is only theoretically part of the Republic of Moldova, in the north of the republic with a population of about 140 thousand people. The city was founded almost 600 years ago in 1421 And thanks to the railway built in the 19th century, it was always considered rather significant. Currently, there are two railway stations through which trains as a local destination and with international communication are currently being a major railway station in Beltsy.

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It is impossible to call it the resort, since in the cattle in the city, except for several lakes with areas for recreation and city parks, where the local residents and guests of the city are nothing more. The exception is the former pioneer camp, and now the children's recreation center 'Olympian' and the children's recreation center "Dumbrava Albe", which is located on the outskirts of the city in the forest array.

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From enterprises of Belts, the most famous can be called the Wine Cognac Combine '' White Stork '', the trademark and the products of which are known not only in Moldova, but also far beyond its limits in many countries of the world. The city is very rich in vegetation and in the summer the streets and yards are buried in the greenery of trees and flowers. The center is the oldest church of the city, this is the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, which was built in 1795, in which services are held daily. In addition, there is more than a dozen other churches and cathedrals. You can visit the Memorial of Glory to the wars of those who died during the Second World War during the liberation of the city.

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After the collapse of the USSR, two airports stopped functioning, one of which was built as an airport of international importance, but so practically and did not start working. Currently, its running strip is used for racing competition competitions.

For accommodation in the city you can stay at the hotel 'Bassarabia' ', located in the city center, which was built in Soviet times and reconstructed or' Lido '', built relatively recently having a large banquet room and a bowling room and other entertainment. There are also glad small hotels in different parts of the city.

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Based on the above, it is clear that the reason for the arrival of the rest to the Beltsi is not particularly no, but if the will of fate or for another reason you will fall into this town, then staying in it will not seem boring and impressions of it are the best and most positive.

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