A trip to the Royal City Ayuttay - to the ruins, monasteries, traces of the victim of Thailand's fame


Each large country has former capital, which contain traces of the former majesty, cultural heritage. If in Russia this is Suzdal, in Poland - Gniezno, in Myanmar - Bagan, and in Thailand, one of such cities is located near Bangkok and is called Thai "Royal City Ayuttay" ("Fra-Nakhon SI"). I decided to go there shortly after arrival in Bangkok. A bus is quite easy to get to Auttai, buses walk from the monument in the capital, and from the train station - trains with cheap 3 class cars. The most convenient is sent at about 10 am, and arrives at 12-00. The ticket is completely cheap - 15 rubles, cheaper than minibuses in most cities in Russia.

I got out of the train and quickly oriented in the city. It is arranged as follows: the station in the eastern part, in front of him the Pasak River, and behind it is an island with many interesting and useful objects (guesthouses for overnight, museums, ruins, monasteries). On the perimeter of the island there are some more interesting monasteries and temples, and a few kilometers of south railway station, three historical villages turned into small museums - Dutch, Japanese and Portuguese. Yes, once Ayuttay was a major shopping center, where merchants came from many countries. So it lasted until the middle of the XVIII century until neighbors were destroyed by neighbors-Myanmans. However, after 100 years, luck turned away from them, Myanmar became a colony, and Thailand had a good job as an independent state.

So, in front of the station, I noticed almost a free boat to the other side of the Pasak River. It was possible to settle in one of two guesthouses near the crossing, I decided not to sleep next to the station in a place reminiscent of the courtyard, so I crossed the other coast, walked around the quarters, I studied the market where a lot of cheap catering (1-1, $ 5 per dish) and settled in a guesthouse, where the room with amenities on the floor costs 300 rubles. Cheap, quiet and low!

Next, went to inspect the sights. For dating from the city it is worth finding a good map in advance - electronic or paper printing to not miss any object along the way. The city seemed unique to me for his region, as it was not enough where the traditional architecture is adjacent to the European cultural heritage, something on Malacca seems to have the remains of the traces of the stay of the Dutch and Portuguese.

If you get acquainted with the city without a rush, then three days are enough. I did over 1000 pictures and visited all the interesting objects (ruins, temples, museums, fortress), which was able to find, and on the fourth day left on the north to another interesting city - Lopburi in the same train on which he arrived from Bangkok.

If you are planning a trip to Thailand, I advise you to include in the program of visit Ayuttay.

A trip to the Royal City Ayuttay - to the ruins, monasteries, traces of the victim of Thailand's fame 26348_1

A trip to the Royal City Ayuttay - to the ruins, monasteries, traces of the victim of Thailand's fame 26348_2

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