Dark blue smooth water, snow-white yachts, huge mountains - exciting eyes landscapes and all this beauty on Lake Como in Italy


"See and die" - they say about Paris ...! "Do not hurry!" - It will say our family, in the world so much that is really worth your time, and one of these objects of Lake Como with a dark blue ice-labeled water, boldly standing cliffs, famous villas on the rocks with huge parks and gardens in which exotic trees grow , snow-white yachts in a quiet harbor and some comfort, reigning on the coast. Here you want to go back at any time of the year - just breathe, look at the panorama of the lake and stunning look .....

Dark blue smooth water, snow-white yachts, huge mountains - exciting eyes landscapes and all this beauty on Lake Como in Italy 26167_1

We fell in love with small cozy towns, located on the coast of Como, to which you can approach the ferry boats, where you can think in a cozy cafe and dream, delicious dinner and pore.

Dark blue smooth water, snow-white yachts, huge mountains - exciting eyes landscapes and all this beauty on Lake Como in Italy 26167_2

Honey week. Milan. Como. Bellagio (how to get there, accommodation, meals)

Having selected in order with my husband without a son, we decided to arrange a weekly rest and break stereotypes that you need to go on vacation in the summer, and aligning water and mountains, it is not necessary to swim. This time we were limited not in the means, but in time, therefore, we decided to spend money on the flight Kiev-Milan (Malpensa Airport), which in both ends with 1_y transplantation for us two costs in 483 euros. From Milan, Como decided to go by train (sufficiently comfortable, quickly, and at the price of 32 euros).

Walking around Como, enjoy the streets and beautiful promenade

Dark blue smooth water, snow-white yachts, huge mountains - exciting eyes landscapes and all this beauty on Lake Como in Italy 26167_3

The question was how to get to Bellagio. There were several options (quick boats go there, ferries (average price of 12-18 euros) and the maximum cheap method of ASF Autolinee bus (travel time 1.5 hours, ticket price 7 euro). We decided to combine pleasant with useful and went to Boat in Bellagio. I can only say that the walk has succeeded: insanely beautiful landscapes, huge mountains do not obey over the resort town, but give some charm and comfort, the sea drinking air ... Eh, just 3 days passed from the trip, and the memories have so much Fresh, as if we are still on the lake.

In Bellagio, we booked an Internet hotel "Casa Mia Apartment": the room is very cozy, spacious with stunning views of the lake and vegetation.

Dark blue smooth water, snow-white yachts, huge mountains - exciting eyes landscapes and all this beauty on Lake Como in Italy 26167_4

For two with breakfasts, weekly accommodation cost us 760 euros, the hotel had a kitchenette and the ability to prepare on their own. But we decided to eat in a cafe, pre-asking the hostess.

In the hotel, a pleasant bonus from the owners was free rental 2_h sports great, we took advantage of the offer and managed to drive along the paths where not every tourist would pass.

Attractions: What is worth and when to visit, how much does it cost and is it worth attending excursions

Be sure to walk on the panorama of the lake - an unforgettable bombing view! Chostels, vintage churches with painted walls and elegant ancient frescoes on the walls, here a special aura.

If it is possible - order a sea walk on a yacht or on a boat. Although we would advise (based on our experience - we chartered a yacht with several families) Order the boat and ask Captain Show coves and places along the coast. During the walk, you will have time to go ashore and taste the river kitchen.

  • Kitchen

Separately, it is worth mentioning the kitchen. With Italy, as a rule, the paste, pizza, kappers are connected, but you are not in Milan, but on the shore of the Lake Como, so try the local kitchen!

Unique dishes, after which the aftertaste remains, which you will not be able to try anywhere except como.

  • Missoltini (the fish, which is caught in the spring. Then dried in the sun and stored with a lavetter under the press, tightly closed with a wooden paint in a container. On request, the tourist is prepared on the grill, sprinkling oil with vinegar, served with a fried polenta and a glass of red wine.
  • Sudak fillet. Fry in breadcrumbs with an egg. Ready served with a truthful sage.
  • From sweets - mint and meatsigot. I like a sweet tooth, I wanted to choke everything! These yummy we ate even before bedtime)

Dinner in the restaurant you will cost two 45-50 euros (including wine).

Returning to the floodedness, ask the captain to go to Garda and Varenna, Try to visit the famous villas with their raspberry parks, gardens on the slopes of mountains and original monuments.

Dark blue smooth water, snow-white yachts, huge mountains - exciting eyes landscapes and all this beauty on Lake Como in Italy 26167_5

What to take with you in December where to eat

The weather on the lake is unpredictable, according to the forecast there may be sun, and after 15 minutes to go rain, but the breathtaking scenery will be built the mood spoiled by the rain.

Therefore, gathering on the road, take a raincoat with you (by accepting, the umbrella does not take the road). Warm things, down jacket, cap and cozy sound. During a walk on the lake on the yacht, I did not have enough mobshes and your favorite thermocruise.

The weather for a week was pleased, on average the air temperature reached up to +8 and -1 at night, it was raining several times, but it did not prevent us.

Regarding food, follow the recommendations of the local, do not trust the Internet. Unfortunately, we burned several times (except for the disgusting interior, and the food was fresh, and the imperturbable look of the waiter "Where my tips" for the Hamsk service and the second food, were generally disappointed.

Our hostess suggested to cook, but we wanted to dinner in a cafe, looking at the panorama of the lake and breathing with a drinking sea air.

From the proposed, the inexpensive café "La Belagina" had to do. Cheap, cozy and divinely tasty: salads with nuts, seafood, baked fish and delicious wine. Lunch accounted for two in 30 euros, and dinner - in 37-45 euros.


It is confident that in the summer there is cool: clean small beaches, cozy coves, a huge infrastructure, a sea of ​​opportunities, small cafes along the coast. We threw a coin and decided to return to the whole family here. Our child is still the traveler.


Failed to send before departure in Milan. From shopping - my favorite Versace Bright Crystal cost 150 euros, bathrobe beloved husband in 27 euros and 2 bottles of good wine and parmesan cheese at 62 euros.


Weekly trip approached the logical conclusion, and if we were hundreds of times in Italy (the father of her husband is a native Italian, and Mom is Russian), on the lake for the first time. This trip was impressed so much that now the stimulus appeared more to earn up to return here again!

Stunning views, mountains, rocks, streets, old library, villa, where things are stored from the 16th century, 4000 volumes of vintage books, churches and small churches, where tears run just like that, delicious food, divine fish, and cakes - just something!

Return at any time of the year!

Dark blue smooth water, snow-white yachts, huge mountains - exciting eyes landscapes and all this beauty on Lake Como in Italy 26167_6

Dark blue smooth water, snow-white yachts, huge mountains - exciting eyes landscapes and all this beauty on Lake Como in Italy 26167_7

Dark blue smooth water, snow-white yachts, huge mountains - exciting eyes landscapes and all this beauty on Lake Como in Italy 26167_8

Dark blue smooth water, snow-white yachts, huge mountains - exciting eyes landscapes and all this beauty on Lake Como in Italy 26167_9

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