St. Petersburg Great and Alien


I felt approaching to St. Petersburg that I was approaching the great shrine of Russia. Surrounded by Taiga forests and swamps he keeps a reflection of the beautiful past. Many want to visit here and stay forever. I do not treat them. St. Petersburg can not be described in words. It must be seen, feel his atmosphere. The city is crazy by its culture, people here are completely different, many extraordinary, strange people, difficult, in the subway many reading. Petersburgers seemed to me in other people's own, unlike Russians, too proud, arrogant, although they shone with the mind, pupil. Many subcultures fills now St. Petersburg. Guys in long black clothes, girls in the Gothic robe, this is a rather frequent phenomenon of the city. Little sincerity and a lot of hypocrisy. Before them is scary to be illiterate or unspanitative, it can cause a shadow of indignation. I can be wrong, this is my personal opinion that I have formed for that little time when I visited this city. If they offended someone's feelings, sorry.

The architecture is undoubtedly majestic: many temples, which are here, then they sparkle solar domes. Isakievsky Cathedral and saved on blood - as elegant giants guard this city.

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River Neva, which is everywhere, many bridges and bridges crossing it, decorated with noble lions. Of course, the monument to Peter Great meets all guests of the city.

Each street keeps the memory of famous and great people. Here Rotonda is an amazing place where rock musicians were once gathered. It has one non-existent column that is many person.

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Even the cemeteries are visited by tourists here. Well, in what city is it still possible?

I especially remember an excursion to the royal village. Truly royal scales: Meets Heavenly Beauty Palace Catherine with Golden as the Sun domes.

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Bright outbreaks flicker luxury flowers adorning the garden.

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And the garden here is just a miracle: ponds, wetlands, century-old trees. In the depths of this garden, wonderful sculptures, bathing, bridges are hidden. It is very nice here.

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The weather was on the joy of sunny, there was no rainy. There were bright nights, the bridges were bred, and we slowly sailed on the ship and admired bright lights of the night city.

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Everyone needs to be here to visit and see with its own eyes, which is a city-holiday, in which there are always millions of tourists, excursions, where Peter I and Catherine II walk through the historic streets, playing the music, the boats float under their feet. It is a pity that I did not have time to visit the Hermitage and Peterhof.

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