When is it better to relax in Abkhazia? Tips for tourists.


The so-called tourist season in Abkhazia lasts from May to September. But in general, in May, there are mostly fans of clean air and excursions. Because in the sea at this time it is still cold to swim. Although the year for a year does not have to and, according to some locals, they begin to swim in March. I suspect that they do it after a couple of Cherchi portions. The sea warms well in early June. And just in the period from May to the beginning of June, on vacation in Abkhazia, you can save. Tourists at this time are not very much and the cost of rest both in boarding houses and in private hotels and apartments are significantly cheaper than August prices, for example. But despite this is the best time to relax in Abkhazia, I consider the end of August-mid-September. Despite the fact that in August there are a lot of tourists there and it happens that in popular beaches with difficulty you can find a free place, it is the most fun period. Rest at this time hits the key. There is a lot of cafes and discos, you can ride on excursions.

As for the choice of the resort, this is a controversial question. For lovers of a very relaxing holiday, such a village is suitable for both Ochamchir. There are no entertainment, only the sea. Also for fans of silence will suit Musser. But for youth and for families with children it is better to go to Gagra or Pitsundu. But it is necessary to consider that on the central streets of Gagra there is no no noise restrictions and music in numerous cafes and disco sounds until the morning. So for those who are planning to sleep at night need to choose accommodation away from noise. But in September it becomes much calmer. Everywhere the velvet season and people are becoming less. But the sea is so warm and at this time sleeps a lot of fruit. Grapes can literally break from the branches, a lot in Gagra. From it at this time, local residents make young wine. And with children of preschool age is best resting in September.

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For them, at this time there will be a clear sea and a lot of fruits and aquapark, if you stay in Gagra. In Pitsunda, too, at this time less people. And the rest is all the same as in the summer. But sometimes from mid-September, it begins to get cold and often rain. Few who likes this weather. But many love to come to Abkhazia and in October and in November. At the mountains at this time, snow already falls out and it looks very beautiful when you see the white tops of the mountains, I around everything is green. Also in November, the collection of citrus is begins and there is an opportunity to buy them very cheaply.

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But there is few people in the winter in winter. There are constant rains and happens really very cold. But with the onset of spring, life in Abkhazia comes to life.

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Everything around becomes yellow from mimosa and its smell everything around is impregnated. And in fact very beautiful during this period and many come to admire it. It is a pity that it lasts this time for a long time and all mimosa quickly breaks down by local residents and delivered to Russia for sale. In Abkhazia, many beautiful seasons for recreation and everyone chooses him to taste. And there is something there.

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