Decitation and contemplation in anchor gap


If for some reason you do not want or can not go to the popular resorts of Turkey or Greece, but I want to go somewhere - anchor gap for you. This place is perfect for all groups of vacationers, regardless of age, and favorable indicators on the system price \ quality is only an additional and pleasant bonus. Unless, of course, you are not too attractive in your requirements, being a Maldives frequenter.

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Pluses begin immediately, no visas are needed and expensive international charters, to the largest city of the Black Sea coast, Sochi - hand, squeeze, beautiful nature, scenic landscapes and calm, not crowded beaches. Not to say, of course, that they are well-groomed and cleaned, but also the mountains of garbage also noticed. Separately, I would like to tell about the settlement wherever it is either: despite the fact that at this resort you can easily find a suitable hotel - choose the private sector, the benefit is great, diverse and accessible to almost everyone. It is here that you will feel the hospitality of local aborigines and enjoy the "Sovkovskaya" atmosphere, which we sometimes lack sometimes in the 21st century.

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The place itself resembles a small, calm, but at the same time the raging settlement. However, this does not mean that besides skelting on the boardwalk - there are no more entertainment. There are enough cozy cafes, there is a full and fairly fashionable, by local standards, of course, a restaurant, nightclubs, which, however, look like a forgotten discos of the 90s, souvenir shops ... In general, it will do what. For highly attracted - railroad services that will deliver you to any major city of the coast for maximum hour with a little. Taxi - even faster. But the main feature is nature, fresh, bright and as if untouched by civilization. From only one sunset, you can get a lot of positive emotions and impressions, well, and the sea of ​​course. Here it, be as it was strange - especially colorful, pacificent and gracious to tourists.

In conclusion, I would like to sum up: it's time to move away from the idea that rest on our southes is possible only in local metropolisms. Anchor gap successfully refutes this statement, providing everything that is necessary for a good rest is quite affordable prices. Want to really relax, soak up the sun, indulging in thoughts and dreams? Do not push in the crowd of tourists, do not stand in the queues and take a break from the shouts piercing to the shim trembling "Churchhell, hot corn"? Then this place is for you.

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