Majas Mountain "Seven Winds": Novorossiysk


For a long time I was lucky to visit this resort town. Impressions were only positive, but would put the impression in full not lucky enough, because Then I was there only a couple of days. And a lot of things (yes, almost nothing) did not look. This year I fell out the case to visit this city again. I was very happy about this.

Majas Mountain

Our trip was in Anapa, but we decided that I would definitely be launched in Novorossiysk and the shipments here a bit. Mountains, forests, clean air - what can be more beautiful. Having arrived in the city, we found a removable apartment (she cost not expensive). The hotel did not look for, because They are always unreasonably expensive and mining.

Novorossiysk is difficult to call the megapopular resort town. Nevertheless, he will remain the federal port. The emphasis in this city, in my opinion, is made on the port, and not on the tourist resort. But it does not prevent him from being a beautiful city, which is located between the mountains and the sea. One combination of "Mountains and the Sea" causes the thrill of the soul.

The beach is not particularly interested in us, we stopped in this city to see his sights. As it turned out, there are a lot of them for such a small town. What is worth paying attention to: the port is a bunch of ships, all sorts of containers is fascinating; The embankment is very beautiful and well maintained; The cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov" is a mandatory visit to this museum, all will not be able to see, but it is possible to feel all this power and greatness.

The most interesting and mysterious attraction is "seven winds". Everyone who heard about this grief was not too lazy to look for her information. I thought that it was called it because she was blowing seven winds. But only four sides of the world, which is for seven winds. As later I was told to me: there was a restaurant on this mountain, he wore the name "seven winds". Somehow a wedding was held in it. And the bride was killed at this wedding. Killed her beloved, whom she once rejected. Here is such a terrible and sad story. The restaurant is no longer there, there are only walls. But the name remains to this day. A beautiful view of the city offers this mountain.

Majas Mountain

And do not list all the monuments, and there is no point, it is better to come here and see themselves.

I would like to mention the weather in the city. It is simply not predictable, can shine the sun, after a minute, pour shower, and three minutes later the sun shine again. And it can only be in one part of the city, and not over the whole city. So the weather is very and very unpredictable.

The beaches of the city are very clean and tidy. Water transparent, of course, when there is no storm at sea. When you lie on the shore, you can watch how large ships are sailing and despair. This spectacle fascinates.

The city really liked, the impressions of the sea. Only one positive, no negative. I advise everyone to visit this town on the Black Sea coast.

I leave pictures here, which were made with the first my arrival, so that you can compare: what city was and what it became.

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