Theater of Dionysus in Athens / Reviews of excursion and sights Athens


Dionysus Theater in Athens is one of the many attractions of ancient Greece, located in the center of the capital of Athens. The theater is located on the southeastern slope of the Acropolis, so when you go on a tour of Parfenon famous for the whole world, you must visit this way and this one of the most ancient in the world of outdoor theaters. This is two and a half thousand antiquity. Just think about how much time shifts and epochs he survived! Initially, the theater was wooden and held in it theatrical speeches only twice a year. One of the annual performances was an actor contest. After a couple of hundred years after the construction, the wooden theater was upgraded by performing it from stone. The scene was made marble. The number of spectator ranks has become such that they left until the base of the Acropolis. The structure was ambitious for those times, as it could be seeded in the theater until the seventeen thousand spectators. And this is not a lot nor little - half of the then population of Athens!

What is noteworthy, many stone seats have survived until today. Although they were also strengthened the century, but the general grandiose appearance of the theater of Dionysis has not lost so far. Periodically in the theater are restored work, which absolutely do not interfere with sightseeing.

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The first rows, which is closer to the scene, was assigned to the VIP persons of those times. They had improved chairs with backs and one more desired trifle. Spectators could cope with a small need, without getting up from their places through specially made holes in the seats. That was such ethics and traditions from the ancient Greeks.

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