Mount Likavittos in Athens / Reviews of excursion and sights Athens


As in Athens, travel, away or in cases, every guest of the city is simply obliged to allocate an hour of his precious time and visit the mountain, which is almost in the center of Athens, called Likavittos or Likabett Hill. The peculiarity of this attraction of the capital of Greece is that from the top of the mountain, such a stunning view of the city and the sea, which you can hardly find somewhere else.

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On the observation deck at the top of the mountains there are sub-sieves, through which you can consider the details you are interested in. Viewing paid.

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How to conquer the top of Likavittos? Yes, very simple! Strong and bold spirit can climb the mountain along the path on foot. Therefore, wear comfortable clothes and shoes. And all the others can use the services of the funicular, which is located in Mountain and Namig domacit you until it is top.

What is noteworthy, Likavittos is one of the few places of Athens, where you will not be charged for the entrance. The mountain is open to visit for free. But if you want to drink a cup of aromatic coffee or a delicious cooling in the summer heat, then get ready to pay for it on a double, or even triple rate. At the top of the Likavittos there is a restaurant with completely non-budget prices, which is no wonder. But what a stunning look opens from the site with his tables!

Visiting Mount Likavittos will have to do absolutely to all tourists, because the breathtaking view of the city of Athens, lying literally at your feet, will not leave anyone indifferent - neither children nor adults or people aged.

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