Syntagma Square in Athens / Reviews of excursion and sights Athens


Syntagma Square in Athens is one of the places that can be visited by walking around the city. This attraction does not carry such an ancient and cognitive nature as numerous buildings of ancient Greece. But for the diversity and expansion of the horizon, look at the square stands.

In addition to the mandatory to view the change of Karaul, I was remembered by a mass of pigeons. Probably, they are specifically fit for entertainment of tourists and earnings. The pigeons were an incredible amount, some of them are manual. Nearby, the photographer with a manual dove walked around, gave to hold the bird in his arms, took the instant photo on Polaroid and demanded five euros. That's how we admired the pigeons on the square ...

Syntagma Square in Athens / Reviews of excursion and sights Athens 25716_1

That for which the visiting and locals go to Syntagma Square, so this is a change of Karaula. And the truth is an outstanding spectacle. Over the shape of dressed twicted young people diligently pull the sock and a slim near a friendly step in the area of ​​the area in the square. From their uniforms, white tights and tights with Balamascots are particularly touched.

Syntagma Square in Athens / Reviews of excursion and sights Athens 25716_2

Changing Karaul see you, but once, no more. The second time I would like this spectacle to the square did not go. To be honest, I was more impressed by the metro station, which we traveled to the square. In it, under the glass was the expositions of finds - what they found in time when the metro station was killed. That was really interesting.

I think the Saintagma Square will especially like children due to the presence of pigeons, which, by the way, can be driving, and a multicolored cartoon in life - a march.

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