Family Walk in the Park "Switzerland" / Reviews of excursion and sights of Nizhny Novgorod


In one of the beautiful, warm August days, I was with my family fell into the Nizhny Novgorod Park "Switzerland". It is impossible not to notice him in Nizhny Novgorod, it stretches for 3.5 km along Gagarin Avenue.

Family Walk in the Park

To get into this park, you can go out at several stops. There is a number of attractions, a zoo, a monument to the Nizhny Novgorod soldiers who died in Afghanistan, Chechnya.

Family Walk in the Park

If you want to ride a swing, go out at the stops of medical and on Surikov Street. The price of tickets for attractions is inexpensive - from 80 to 180 rubles, the most expensive "autodrome" and a chain carousel. There are in "Switzerland" and a ferris wheel with a height of 40 meters. Attractions work from 10:00 to 21:00.

Family Walk in the Park

In the Zoo, an adult visitor can be passed for 200 rubles, children under 14 years old - for 50 rubles, retirees, disabled and students - for 100 rubles. With group visits, these rates are almost twice below. Those who were not 5 years old, are skipped to the zoo for free. Maybe someone will seem that there are few animals here, but we were enough. There are camels, bison, deer, goats, donkeys, brown bear, tigers, lions, lynx, many small predators, rodents, birds.

Family Walk in the Park

This zoo is running from 10:00 to 20:00. If you do not want to look at animals and birds and ride attractions, you can just walk under the seven of a wide variety of trees, some of them are planted over 100 years ago, or just sit with a book in Thaw. There are a lot of cyclists and pets with pets. Despite some nestness, the Park "Switzerland" produced the most favorable impression on our family. In winter, here, of course, is boring, but in the summer it will take a stroll on it very interesting to an adult and a child.

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