Rest at Domansky Island / Reviews of tours and sights of Yaroslavl


In Yaroslavl, I have one very favorite place, here I am constantly, as soon as fate enters this city. This place is a park on the Domanian island. Here is beautiful at any time of the year, but especially in summer.

There is an island in a place where her influx of Komosl will fall into the Volga River, it is in this place that a small, but very picturesque island has been formed. And geographically, it is almost in the center of the city, it is not surprising that there are always many people here.

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Only one bridge leads to the island, and then the pedestrian. It was very interesting to take a walk. But you need to be attentive, in summer there are many cyclists. There is one interesting tradition, according to which the family is strong, the bride must transfer the bride through this bridge.

There are many different entertainment on the island. There is a special place where you can come with children, I really liked it that for children a lot of different rides. There is a children's train, which is very important for our baby, he just adores him.

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For adults here is also a lot of interesting things. There are very extreme attractions, for example, from the American slide, my head was spinning for a long time, it was very cool. You can also go to 5D cinema. In a word, there is a lot of things here that only the soul wishes.

For lovers of quiet walks in the park there are small but cozy alleys, you can sit on a bench in the shade of trees, also just take a walk in silence. Very beautiful landscapes on the will open from the island, you can admire the clock.

I really like this place, the place is cozy, interesting, you can always relax here.

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