Sacred Temple of the Globe of the Lord / Reviews of excursion and sights of Jerusalem


Our journey in Jerusalem began from the Egypt Hotel. Such excursions, in the neighboring country, are gaining more and more popularity, especially since it is very close and interesting.

The cost of the excursion left 150 dollars per one. The price includes: travel and excursions.

Our route reached its first point at the border crossing. We left in the evening, so there were late at night. The border guards have shifted us into the face of the lantern, we were monitored and went on.

Early in the morning we stopped near the Dead Sea. This is the place where people read the newspaper lying on the water and where, if you try to sail you can drown. Water straight pushes the body from the water.

Next we were waiting for Jerusalem. The highest point of travel was a visit to the church of the Merry Coffin in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem. This place is impregnated by the sacred spirit, Jesus Christ was buried here. At the entrance to the temple there is mystery and grace. Two huge doors let us in this sacred place.

Sacred Temple of the Globe of the Lord / Reviews of excursion and sights of Jerusalem 25599_1

It is for this place that I am every year, in the bright holiday of Easter, I look through the TV screen. It is in this place that thousands of people go out and it is here that the inexplicable congument of the fell fire occurs.

Sacred Temple of the Globe of the Lord / Reviews of excursion and sights of Jerusalem 25599_2

Here is buried the famous Knight Philip D'Nier. Here is the chapel of Adam, with a split and here stands the altar of Our Lady.

And the most interesting part for me was the anointing stone. The body of Jesus was laid on it. Many people come to touch this sacred slab, which is famous for its healing qualities.

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