The most exciting excursion to the Ostankino TVBashnyh / Reviews of excursion and sights of Moscow


To visit the Ostankino TVBashne dreamed of childhood. And so, when my children have already gone a little, I decided to fulfill your long-standing dream, and at the same time they show this wonderful object.

The most exciting excursion to the Ostankino TVBashnyh / Reviews of excursion and sights of Moscow 25565_1

Tickets for the excursion booked in advance, because he has heard that it is difficult to buy them on the spot. On the right day came to the foot of the TV bashney an hour before the long-awaited event, to have time to make a pass and pass the inspection, these are the requirements. Having passed through the passage with the frame of the metal detector and a friendly guard, who inspected our bags, fell to a spacious territory. The entrance, where the passes are made in Ostankino and pay for tickets, is directly, there will also be toilets, a storage and café camera on the 2nd floor.

The most exciting excursion to the Ostankino TVBashnyh / Reviews of excursion and sights of Moscow 25565_2

At the box office, everything is very strictly, you need to provide documents on all family members. Dispose of the pass for quite a long time. Tickets are expensive, adult - 1000 rubles, children - 500 rubles, pleases that the preferential group includes adult students of day offices, so if you have such in the family, grab a student card to save a little. After receiving the skips, we passed to the television bouche of the wooden flooring with canopies, and when entering the long-awaited object, we were again and carefully inspectible, so that no one carry items under pressure and able to explode when lifting to height, for example, lighters and aerosols, all It is proposed to immediately pass into the storage chamber. In general, they will not be allowed. On the first floor, our group has already met the girl's guide. She spent everyone in the museum, showed photos accumulated over the 50-year history Ostankino, told about various memorable events of television, in particular about the 2000 fire. Next, the moment came, which was waiting for the whole of our family - the rise to the viewing platform for a height of 337 meters. The elevator passed there literally in a minute, even the ears laid. On the street there was clear summer weather, so Moscow was visible perfectly. Most of us impressed the glass floor.

The most exciting excursion to the Ostankino TVBashnyh / Reviews of excursion and sights of Moscow 25565_3

If you are afraid of height, you can not step on it. Here, at the height, there is a restaurant with the transient prices "Seventh Sky", but the table must be ordered early, who wish enough to dine in it. Excursion lasts about an hour. If you have contradicts to visit the Ostankino TVBashnyh, come at least an hour before the session, and tickets will book, especially on vacation or weekends. All dubious items hand out in the storage chamber, it is better to go to the chamber. Pregnant and kids under 7 years old on TV bash will not be allowed, these are the rules, and persons with claustrophobia and other fears are also not worth going there. In a blizzard, fog, heavy rain there is nothing to do here, if only to listen to the history of Ostankino, because visibility will be bad, and Moscow will not see the view from the height of a bird flight. The excursion is better to go on weekdays and in the morning. Our family was lucky with the weather, all that they wanted to look and were satisfied, we advise other guests of the capital to include the Ostankino TV Bashney on their own route.

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