Taksim Square - Non-Stop Entertainment Place / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul


It so happened that in the summer of 2013, my friend who lives in Istanbul invited me and my girlfriend Julia to visit me. We agreed, especially since Istanbul was in the reports of all media: collisions were held on Taksim Square. In May, thousands of demonstrators opposed the construction of a shopping center on the central square of Istanbul, in the park "Taxim-Gezi", where all the trees were going to cut out for this purpose.

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We visited Taksim on Friday, July 26th. Samely in the evening, as a friend said that in the afternoon there is nothing to do. My friend and I lived in a hotel in the Sultanahmet area, so the Blue Mosque, the Museum of Ayia Sofia, the Grand Bazar was already conquered. But what is this "taxis" we did not know. Traveled to a taxi. We liked a little, as the purpose of our visit was night adventures.

What is the famous Taksim Area?

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The name comes from Arabic - "separation", "Distribution". Once on the site of the square there was a water tank, which was sent to water the main water pipes from the north of Constantinople, and the water all over the city was distributed. Later, Taksim became known thanks to the Armenian cemetery "Supb Akop". In the 16th century, he ordered to accommodate the Ottoman ruler Suleiman First in this area. At least 16 Armenian graves found by archaeologists during the excavations on the square.

However, now everything is different. Taxim is an area in the Thracian part of Istanbul (a quarter of the Taxim district of Baoglu). Known by many tourists, and therefore it is always bright and rich here, there are shops and restaurants, hotels and even striptease clubs. In addition, there is a central station of the Istanbul Metro. In the center of the square there is a monument of the republic (Cumhuriyet Anıtı), the author is the Italian architect Pietro Canonik. The monument was set in 1928 in honor of the five-year foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923, after the war of independence. The height of the structure is 12 meters. Interestingly, at the monument you can see the figures of famous personalities - the President of Turkey and the "Father of All Turks" Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, as well as Marshals Mustafa Ismeta Inyun and Fevzi Chakmak. There are many sculptures of simple Turks. Near the Turkish leaders you can see images and Soviet military leaders. This is Klim Voroshilov and Semyon Arals. According to legend, it was Ataturk asked the sculptor to include the figures of the Russian military husbands so that in such a way to thank the Soviet Union to political, financial and military support in the struggle for the independence of the Turkish Republic.

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In the 1950s and 1960s, another important building was built on Square. This is the cultural center to them. Ataturk (Atatürk Kültür Merkezi). Nowadays, he is known as the place of concerts of the theater and the Symphony Orchestra of Turkey.

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If you go along this cultural center, then go to Gyumyush's street. Holding to her, we get into another creation of history - Dolmabach's Palace. Here, near the consulates of Japan and Germany, we find a military hospital and technical university built in the 19th century.

On the square itself there is a hotel "Yes Marmara" (5 stars). Not far - already mentioned Park "Taksim-Guezi", previously stood a barracks on this territory.

What interesting on taxis? The first is the lights of the Big City. Here is a whole street, full of boutiques and inexpensive shops. You can buy a lot of broadcase, and much cheaper than the Grand Bazaar. For example, I was glad that I dreamed of a Blouse with 37 Turkish lira at the Grand Bazar ($ 18) to 22.5 ($ 11). How I was surprised when a lot of T-shirts with price tags saw in one of the shops on Taksim Square (that is, no need to bargain) for 4-5 Turkish lira (2-3 US dollars). Of course, the quality is somewhat worse, but this product is in Square. Therefore, advice to all tourists: the Grand Bazaar is a game, there you need to bargain and bargain, if you don't have much money, then you're better come to Taksim Square and report to Taksim.

Next, we are four of us (I, my girlfriend and 2 Turkish friends) went to look for some nightclub. On the street, full shops, there were a lot of small streets in which cafes and clubs were hiding. We were wrapped in one of the zakulkov and got into open space: a small summer scene, the Turkish orchestra plays, viewers are sitting around behind plastic tables. We also sat down. There were many foreigners, for example, from Asian countries. Women felt relaxed: one lady in a mini every half hour smoked on a cigarette (by the way, walking around Takim, saw a couple of lesbians and gays). Cafe prices were high: for example, about 20 Turkish lire paid for mojito (10 US dollars), a glass of cola cost 10 Turkish lire (5 dollars). But the orchestra lied, the dances of the audience were welcomed; Traders approached them and offered their products - wreath, hats, flowers. For example, I bought a white hat.

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Frequently intended, we went to another nightclub. In general, in the evening we visited three nightclubs. Nepteful Turks offered vodka in the menu and other hot drinks, which once again confirms that Taxim is a place for modern Turkish bohemians and tourists. In one of the clubs saw striptease, and the Ukrainian or Russians were danced rather than Turkish. Prices are appropriate. There were a lot of dances, and not national, but in the style of Eurodans.

At the end of the evening we sat in the park; Street traders who have a lot, bought ice cream, fried chestnuts, bagels, mussels. It is noteworthy that on weekends and in the evening the price tags for merchants certainly change towards an increase of 0.5-1 Turkish Lear.

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For the whole evening, including taxis to the square from the Sultanamba and from the square to visit to a friend, we spent 100 US dollars. Mojito, cola, vodka, snack in a nightclub, a snack in the park, a cap and a hat. The entrance to the nightclubs was also paid - from 10 Turkish lira (5 dollars), but there were also free.

Excursion in the area is possible at any time of the day. If you come with a child, you can just stroll and buy goods. Shopping centers, shops and eaters to eat inexpensively (including fast food "Burger King" with ice cream for 1 Turkish liru, or 50 American cents) is enough. If you want to take off, then it is better for you to go here at night. It will be interesting to everyone, I think that even people of old age. They certainly like to sit in the park and make the Turkish air.

On Taksim Square I really liked it. Here you feel like a man of the world, when no one looks at your race, nationality, language; You are a client who is ready to pay, often - considerable money. There are many tourists here; Women walk, as they like (not a single lady in closed clothes, what a lot goes around the city, I did not see here) - in mini, with a cigarette, for a handle with anyone (depending on sexual orientation); offer alcoholic beverages; loud euromusca; Striptease that in Muslim customs punishable. By the way, in August 2013, I visited Istanbul again and was again on Taksim Square, where he bought several T-shirts on the cheap. All adventure lovers advise you to come to Istanbul and visit Taksim Square.

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