Sunny Jungovka


In the fungiovka, our family goes every year, already, probably three or four years, but in different composition: then mom with dad, then mom with dad and with me, then mom and younger sister. This year we went threesome: Mom, Dad and I.

Why did you choose the mushroom? Causes of banal. Senior children, that is, I and a 27-year-old brother, resting goes abroad, often it is not a rest, but a business tour; Dad works hard, and also leaves for business trips, but the mother is uninteresting to the mother, so she takes someone from us to fungi. That is, we rest, first of all, with my mother, so that she was not bored. Secondly, Mom is riding from the enterprise. It happened since the Soviet times that everyone is members of the trade union committee, pay contributions and so on. And for four days in June (June 28 - Day of the Constitution of Ukraine, day off), from June 28 to July 1, 2017, we threatened in this village by bus rented by the enterprise, with employees of the enterprise and the tourist base "Avtomobilist - 2 ". At the expense of numbers on the basis of the phone, the representative of the trade union committee was negotiated, but the payment was made by cash on arrival, however, part of the funds of the trade union of the trade record from its budget. That is, the second reason for arrival here is the organization of recreation by an enterprise at a preferential rate.

Mribovka is a small village of 450 inhabitants in the Odessa region. For the summer, the Odessa region turns into Mecca for Ukrainian holidaymakers, especially in July-August. After political events, Odessa went over the role that the Crimea and Mariupol had previously occupied. Therefore, it is best to go to the south of Ukraine in June, until the people poured. For the Ukrainian, it is fundamentally resting to the sea to demonstrate the tan. It can be 3-4 days at a recreation center without amenities, but the main thing is the sea. That is why I try to do not rest in Ukraine: pay a little less than in Turkey or Bulgaria, but fall on the Soviet tourist, often without amenities where you can pick up fungus; Dinners are integrated, excursions - only in Odessa and a wine plant; Typical discos, typical corn on the beach ...

Mribovka, in essence, from this opera, as perhaps, all settlements of the sanatoriums of Ukraine. For 450 people already 50 hotels and tourist bases, cafes and restaurants, youth clubs, the market, where managers are waiting for travel to Odessa. The turbase was distinguished by the innovation: per room with amenities at 500 hryvnias ($ 20) per person per day. And this is without food. Fortunately, even though room amenities. We live together - pay 1000 hryvnia. In general, it is amazing. I stayed more than once in Turkey and the United States, and everywhere payment of a single and double room did not differ, that is, they pay one price abroad, we have another. Want no amenities "Apartments" - pay 250 hryvnia from the nose per day. If it is common to calculate, then the week per person will cost 3,500 hryvnia, or $ 140, add a fee for a bus from Zhytomyr to fungi and fee for complex lunches from 50-60 hryvnia. Yes, it is much cheaper than in the same Turkey and Bulgaria, not to mention more exotic places for our tourist. Only in Turkey for $ 400-500, and maybe cheaper, you will get a flight by plane, "All Inclusive", Pools and Bars, Luxury Sea, Room Amenities and Much more entertaining entertainment and excursions. Our resorts are designed to satisfy primitive needs: lie on the beach and burn, swim in the sea and cheap local wine and vodka. In fact, most of the holidaymakers have been engaged.

So, we had a tourist base, guarded 24 hours a day. This is definitely progress. The second plus is the proximity of the sea: left the building - and you are already on the beach. The beach itself on Ukrainian standards was relatively clean, the sea in principle, too. But tourists-holidayd - shaft. The beach is private, that is, someone else will not pass. Perhaps it somehow affects the quality of services.

From the usual service - skating on catamarans and bananas, feeling a surfer when you are tied to a motor boat; for kids -

Amusement parks and mini-water park; The famous hot corn, pahlawa, seeds and ice cream sold by local, and photos with two exotic African guys for 50 hryvnias (almost 2 dollars). The market was next to the recreation base. Prices for southern vegetables and fruits were lower than we have in Zhytomyr: for example, peaches could buy in Zhytomyr for 38 hryvnias, and in the fungovka for 24, the wine was sold for 40 hryvnia per liter, but no one fell behind the quality. You could also purchase cups, magnets, guidebooks, in general beach symbolism. Again, excursions lovers could go to the bazaar and buy an excursion to Odessa. But Odessa is, of course, it is interesting, but something is superlit there will not see there. Therefore, we decided that four days it is better to spend on the tan and swim in the sea (you need to boast something).

We took food in a cafe. A traditional comprehensive dinner included borsch or suolars, potatoes, rice or vermicelli, vegetable salad and compote or juice. In principle, 50-60 hryvnia, according to Ukrainian standards, it is very inexpensive, I would say cheap. At first time on the food of the sanatorium earned, but people have no money, so prices do not raise.

I will add that we drove at least 500 kilometers by bus, so almost a day spent on the way. So, four days of rest and day of the road. Nevertheless, the weather did not pumped up. All days Paris Paradise: in the morning and in the evening it was warm up to +21 ... + 22, it was not less than +30 during the day; The wind rose only to our departure, there was no precipitation. But on Sunday, when we arrived at Zhytomyr, as the rain fell (from the weather forecast learned). So we have no rest prevented anything.

So, if you have "finances sing romances", you are not picky about the amenities, you do not want to drive in every historical places and jump with a parachute if you are afraid to fly and do not know English, and if the main thing for you is the sea and tan, then Of course, fungivka is the perfect place for you. With a certain savings at 40000-5000 hryvnia (150-190 dollars), here you can relax in three days. In addition, the enterprise part of the amount takes over. That is, this is an economy class vacation for reporting before girlfriends and by themselves: "But I was at sea." I admit honestly: if it were not mom, I never went to fungi. Just after staying in Bulgaria, Turkey, Germany, Croatia, the United States for summer holidays treat otherwise. As for me, it is better not to go anywhere and save money, or fly to Bulgaria or Turkey for a week. Ukrainian recreation centers with the Soviet service, even with the 24-hour security and private beaches, this last century or pleasure for a poor centuries.

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Sunny Jungovka 25501_3

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