My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul


At the end of July 2013, we went with a girlfriend to Istanbul. They flew from Kiev, booking tickets and the hotel provided a travel agency, despite visa-free regime between Ukraine and Turkey. Made correctly: we were given a free shuttle service from the airport to the hotel and back. And we settled in the tourist and historical district of Istanbul - Sultanahmet. From the hotel to Ayia Sofia (now the Museum) and the Blue Mosque on foot no more than 10 minutes. By the way, in the hotel, as in any Sultanammet shop, you can buy a map of the city, as well as a tourist guide. We were lucky: both the map and the guide were in Russian. My girlfriend Julia quickly studied the route excursions. It turned out to be quite simple.

I will add that we got just on the Muslim post, so there were plenty of visitors from all over the Islamic East.

The Blue Mosque and Museum of Ayia Sofia are located opposite each other, only for the entrance to the museum we paid, visiting the mosque for free. Accordingly, we did not order excursions, but went for yourself.

The blue mosque is rightly considered the main thing in the city. It is distinguished by four, like all Muslim shrines, but as many as six minarets. The mosque is a symbol of Istanbul. And on the magnets, and on the Penals of the Turks with pleasure it is depicted and with a bang sell these souvenirs.

I note that the mosque was constructed in the first quarter of the 17th century. For a network of years of work, a masterpiece of classical Ottoman and Byzantine styles appeared. The name "Blue" mosque received thanks to the use of more than 20 thousand blue and white ceramic corrosion soles made by hand. The central gym of the mosque covers the dome from above. His half-centuries decorate the inscriptions from the Quran and the statement of Mohammed. Four columns support dome. In the patterns of the mosque, there are a lot of plants. On the floor, the mosque lie hurriculous red carpets. 260 windows illuminate a blue mosque. There is lighter than in Ayia Sofia. On Michrab, the mosque is installed famous Mecca black stone. Mikhraba has Minbar, where Imaam owes. The western part of the mosque will highlight the entrance designed to enter the Sultan. A massive golden chain hangs over the entrance. It was a kind of sign: to go inside, Sultan was forced to bend, which symbolized the insignificance of the secular ruler compared to God Allah.

Before entering the mosque, there is a courtyard, in size it is not inferior to it.

I note that the mosque is valid. What does this mean? First of all, the fact that during mandatory prayers five times a day it was closed for simple visitors. Believers and unbelievers were fenced with wooden portico, beyond which it was forbidden to go. Further. At the entrance you need to shoot shoes and either leave it on the street, or take a specially provided cellophane bag and lay shoes into it. By the way, I passed the entire excursion with the package (and in it sneakers) in hand. Women are obliged to cover their heads. Girlfriend took with him 2 headscarves for us two. But the Turks are prudent: visitors can choose one of the headscarves also at the entrance. Even if you do not know the rules, you will surely remind the guard. I forgot to remove shoes, and immediately stopped me when I was trying to enter the mosque. There were no problems with photographing: we made a lot of photos. It's a shame that the inscriptions were performed on only in Turkish, and we did not understand everything.

We visited the mosque of the hour at three days. However, remember that at the prayer hours it is closed for believers.

A similar excursion is unlikely to be interested in children or family people. Most likely, it is intended for lovers of history, religion and culture, the admirers of Islam, as well as for people in age, as it is relatively calm and do not need to walk a lot, except for the red carpet. The atmosphere definitely fascinates.

I really liked it. After all, the blue mosque is the business card of Istanbul and all of Turkey. This is certainly worth come. By the way, it was the first mosque I ever attended. I am pleased to come here again to feel harmony.

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_1

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_2

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_3

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_4

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_5

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My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_8

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_9

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_10

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_11

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_12

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_13

My first visited mosque in life - Blue Mosque in Istanbul / Reviews of excursion and sights of Istanbul 25489_14

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