Magic Chernivtsi in all its glory


In early August 2013, a group of tourists from Zhytomyr (and I including) went on a four-day excursion for the castles of Ukraine by bus. We were expected to travel on the right bank and Western Ukraine. The second day of the excursion took place in the Chernivtsi region.

At first we visited the Khotyn fortress, and then drove into the regional center - Chernivtsi city. What did we want to see there?

From the point of view of economic development or service sector, Chernivtsi do not differ from any regional center of Ukraine. Typical Soviet hotels of A la "tourist", typical cafes and restaurants with a typical set of dishes of a borsch type, a boiler in Kiev, potatoes, Greek salad, Salad "Olivier", compote (in Ukrainian - "Uzvar"). For example, we went along the way in the cellar, where you bought a magnificent kvass, paying for half a liter 8 hryvnia, or one dollar. There was an impossible heat, and therefore I wanted to drink more than there.

Nevertheless, in Chernivtsi we expected to see something atypical. First of all, this is an architecture. In the 19th century, the city was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And it was then that wonderful architectural buildings appeared. 25 monuments of Chernivtsi architecture and 602 available in the city are nationwide. The outstanding Austrian architect Otto Wagner, who created the Directorate of Savings Cass, Railway Station and a number of hotels, among which can be remembered by Bristol and Golden Lion, left his mark. The pearl of the city is its central square, a previously called market. The European appearance area has found due to the town hall built in the 40s 19th century. Style -

Late classicism. Exactly at noon from the balcony of the Town Hall tower playing a ringtone song songs C. Sabadash "Marica". On the pipe it performs a musician in a folk costume.

Theatrical square is no less known. Austrian architects Gelmer and Felner decorated it at the end of the 19th century by a magnificent theater, which appeared in just two years of stubborn work by Zodhchi. Lovers of architectural riddles would advise to pay attention to the house-ship.

The city is known for its museums: Chernivtsi Local Lore and Art Museums, Museum of History and Culture of Jews Bukovina, Museum of People's Architecture and Life, Literary and Memorial Museums Olga Kobylian and Yuri Fedkovich, Memorial Museum of Vladimir Ivasyuk, the Creator of the Eternal "Chervona Ruta" in the performance of Sofia Rotaru; Museum of the Bukovinsky Diaspora, Museum of Aviation and Cosmonautics. Frankly: We visited only the local history museum. It would not be said that he was drastically different from local lore museums of other regional centers. Unfortunately, the device of our museums differs little from the Soviet period.

Nevertheless, the main place in Chernivtsi is the architectural ensemble of the former residence of Orthodox Metropolitans Bukovina and Dalmatia, (in our time - Chernivtsi National University named after Yuri Fedkovich). This residence in 2011 was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. As a specialist in the field of education, I note that the Historical Faculty of Chernivtsi University is considered one of the best in all of Ukraine, and training prices are accurate. However, it is very problematic from Zhytomyr to Chernivtsi. If it would not have a transport problem, many applicants from the Zhytomyr region would certainly have learned in Chernivtsi. Of course, the university's architectural complex is not comparable to any: this is a unique park, Orthodox church and excellent buildings filled with legends. I do not know how now, but for an excursion with us, a decent amount was sorted. Let's say this: Ukraine was operating in Ukraine: the entrance to the museum costs 3-8 hryvnia and separately a tour of the tour from the group to 20 people about 20-25 hryvnia. That is, with a person it turned out 6-10 hryvnias as much as possible (1 dollar - 1 euro). In Chernivtsi University, everything turned out to be not so: we have taken 25 hryvnia from each (more than 3 dollars), and the excursion lasted the maximum half an hour. And then we sat on the territory of the park, at the entrance to the university at least half an hour, until we came for us. Then we held us along the hall of the university, where many sculptures. We told the associated legends. Then we visited the hall, where the dissertation is being protected. This is truly like in films from the history of kings. It seems that since the end of the 19th century has not changed. We also photographed at a honest magic mirror. The guide held us to the territory of the university church and told about its functioning. For example, I remember that for wedding and baptism you need to pay 1000 hryvnia (125 dollars), but for university students a discount of 50%. In the same place, in the church, we bought magnets about the city, by price, by the way, more expensive than in other cities - from 1 dollars and above. However, you can not forget walks along the magnificent park. I began to damn envy local students. It is impossible not to fall in love with this park.

Let me remind you that the Khotyn fortress we visited earlier is in the Chernivtsi region. Therefore, from the regional center you can also go on a tour of this glorious architectural structure. By the way, from all the castles and fortresses of Ukraine, Khotyn was preserved no worse than Kamenets-Podolsky. The main thing is not to lose a hat due to a strong wind. A visit to the castle without an excursion cost 5-10 hryvnia (1 dollar). On the territory of the object you can also buy guidebooks, cups, magnets, symbolism, and cheaper than in Kamenets-Podolsky and Chernivtsi. You can even bargain. The average price for the magnet was 5-6 hryvnia, the guide in the fortress cost 14 hryvnia (in 2013 1 dollar - 8 hryvnia, 1 euro - 10 hryvnia).

Of course, Chernivtsi is worth a visit. First of all, lovers of cultural recreation and connoisseurs of architecture. Well, Chernivitsky University is just joy for any high architectural style admissor.

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