An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul


In the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul with a girlfriend we fell for two reasons. First. At the end of July 2013, we flew to Istanbul against the background of the success of the next series about Roksolaan and settled at the hotel in the historic center "Sultan-Ahmet". And here, as they say, sin does not get around all the cult facilities, but at the same time and look into the museum. Secondly, we are historians, and therefore the museum was very interesting to us, unlike our friend engineer, who clearly missed. Therefore, remember: Come here only with fanatics of history, otherwise you have to explain a lot.

We did not order a tour: we do not own Turkish, but English is not at the level, therefore we went: good, all exhibits were signed. Tickets bought at the entrance, paying 15 lir, or about $ 8. I note that in all museums of Istanbul there are turnstiles, so your ticket, like in the subway, one-time. There was no restrictions on the photographing, so we were naphlesed to inject.

The Archaeological Museum is a whole complex. It is located near the park of Gulkhan and the famous Topkapi Palace (with a harem). The complex includes three buildings - the main thing, the Museum of the Ancient East and the tiles of the Pavilion. It is impossible to bypass all this Millionic magnificence of exhibits even in two hours. We spent three hours. Especially surprised by the departments dedicated to Mesopotamia. For example, I dreamed of seeing Ishtar's gate, a lot of sculptural structures, the sculpture of the rulers of Assyria on the wall. In a separate hall there were sargophages (Sidonsky, crying woman, tablet and satrap), which could be touched. Ideally study the history of the ancient world in this museum: there are artifacts from the Sievers of Troy, fragments of the temple of Athens (ASSOS), busts of Alexander Macedonsky, a collection of clinbokeplates. As well as many clay sculptures, pots, jewelry, toys of the Times of Neolithic and Eneolita.

I will say right: this excursion to children will be uninteresting: it is too confusing, as well as very stretched in time and space. But historians, the elderly, - will definitely be like.

No "submarine stones" did not notice: pay money, go and take pictures. Only not touched the glass. No usual and evil museum grandmothers, who followed visitors, as in Ukraine, did not notice.

I think that the summer period is ideal for an excursion, as part of the exhibits is on the street, and it is easier to move from the building in a warm season.

I liked the excursion. Of course, in the topkups or a blue mosque, there was a foul and more interesting. Maybe, therefore, there were no visitors in the museum, and the public should go here specific - historians and archaeologists. I repeat that the non-specialist here will be boring. Visit the Archaeological Museum in Istanbul would advise, but only if you have free time. If it is not, it is definitely better to go to the Palace of Topkapi, Garem, Blue Mosque and Ayia Sofia, go through the Grand Bazar.

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_1

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_2

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_3

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_4

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_5

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_6

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_7

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_8

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_9

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_10

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_11

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_12

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_13

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_14

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_15

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_16

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_17

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_18

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_19

An immense archaeological museum / reviews about excursions and attractions of Istanbul 25428_20

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