Mini Israel Eyes of Ukrainians / Reviews of tours and sights Tel Aviv


In Tel Aviv on the excursion "Mini Israel" I went with my father in early May 2013. We flew from Ukraine to Tel Aviv airport, then lived with uncle in Haifa. From Haifa and went on an excursion. By the order of the journey was engaged in uncle, paying 300 dollars for two. It is not so expensive for Israel. Later I found that a similar excursion can be found at

We drove into a minibus with tourists from Russia, Norway, Denmark. All this is Russian-speaking comrades who lived in the hotel. But since we were not driving away from the hotel, the bus picked us up at the HESED building in Haifa.

Tourists should be known that in Israel is quite hot in spring and summer, so those who do not like heat, it is better to visit this country in the winter months. We flew in May, it was very hot. Air conditioning worked in the minibus, but because of him, at arrival in Ukraine, I developed a cold. Therefore, be careful and not perch. Secondly, dressed comfortable shoes: the best sneakers, and also do not forget about T-shirts and T-shirts, be sure to a cap or baseball cap. In Israel, you have to change clothes two or three times a day. There is no rain, the wind is also, except for Hamsin, the sun is fries. Black glasses, backpack behind the back and water. It is noteworthy that uncle gave us two two-liter bottles with non-carbonated water. Apparently, the Jews are easier to carry in the roast behind their backs. But it was often necessary to drink, and the air conditioner saved only indoors and bus.

The excursion lasted all day: from 8 am to 8-9 pm, taking into account the road. Among the tourists there was only one family with a child up to 10 years, the rest are the people of forty + and me, historian. In principle, the excursion is designed for people of intellectually savvy, erudite and positively tuned to the history of Israel. Children are hard and boring. Among us was a professional photographer from Norway. He was just admired by what he saw.

So, the excursion itself consists of three parts. 1. Visit Latrun Monastery. 2. Museum "Mini Israel". 3. Visit the city of Jaffa.

In the monastery, we were able not only to admire the architecture, but also to acquire wines. Our Guide Israel answered all the questions of tourists, told about everything. Do not be afraid to admit that you want to the toilet: in Israel toilets at every step and free. There is water, toilet paper, everything, as in the best restaurant. The guide will surely remind you of visits to the toilet, as the route is long enough.

Excursion to the Museum "Mini Israel" lasted at least 3 hours. It is essentially miniature reproduction of all Israel, with stadiums, cult facilities, parks, airports. It was quite interesting, but also a little monotonous and tiring, since we looked only on miniature cars and buildings. The museum has a shop where we bought souvenirs in the form of creams from the Dead Sea. Again, a Russian-speaking seller worked for us.

Then we went to the town of Jaffa (Tel Aviv suburb), where they visited the Quarter-workshop. There were many shops, including with unique jewelry, but prices hurt "bites." Then passed along the Tel Aviv embankment and observed behind the vacationers. We really liked the excursion, even a child who did not understand much, but the images themselves and paints filled the soul with a positive.

Still, I would advise you to go on an excursion in winter; It was painfully hot in early May.

During the excursion, do not hesitate to ask and take pictures: there are no prohibitions. The guide does not hurry you, enjoy, but do not really overdo it.

Surprised how Jews love their country. There are no such museums in Ukraine.

The only minus excursions: Our driver did not understand in Russian, nor in English, but I did not know Hebrew. Therefore, I had to explain to him almost on my fingers where we sit down. I would also like the monastery we visited after the museum, and not before. And it turned out that the people bought wine and walked with him in the museum, or the wine just lay on the bus. Still glass, could break. And there was no special forces to enjoy the Jaffa: "Mini Israel" took everything, we thought it would rather sit and relax. Therefore, unique jewelry looked no longer so relevant at the end of the excursion.

I would advise all my friends to go on this excursion and buy wines. I did not bond with dad and spare it very much. Of course, 300 dollars are expensive, but the game is worth the candle, and everything in Israel is so many times, and sometimes ten times, more expensive than in Ukraine. You need to fly there at least 1000 dollars in your pocket.

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