Dimensional rest in Kassel


In Kassel, decided to come with brother in July 2016. The fact is that our uncle, Aunt and Kuzina live in the village near the Fuldal Kassel.

First of all, we needed to make a visa. The insanity between Ukraine and the countries of the European Union became a reality only since June 2017, before that time had to run a lot to run to assemble a package of documents: certificates of work and the amount of salary for six months, a certificate from the bank about the availability of an account, a certificate from the tax inspectorate of income , insurance for 30 thousand euros, photo, invitation from aunt in German (in arbitrary form, it is possible by fax, you can from hand) and an application-commitment decorated, that it is ready for us to keep us within two weeks of our stay in Germany. With all this package, we went to the consulate, where we accepted documents in the alive queue, removed fingerprints, took 35 euros for a visa and an additional 22 euros for the center services. After a week, the courier brought documents to Zhytomyr.

Tickets ordered through Privat24. The easiest way from Ukraine to fly direct flight to Frankfurt am Main or Dortmund. Since uncle could only meet us on Monday, they chose the flight Kiev-Frankfurt, carried out by the International Airlines of Ukraine. Flew more than two hours. Us, as always on Mau, did not feed. In the plane, many emigrants from Syria flew with us. Ticket price - 7500 - 8000 UAH. In both directions per person. If you fly "Lufthansa", then the ticket for two will cost 11000-12000 UAH. per person, but you will fly to another terminal in Frankfurt and will not be in one cabin with emigrants. So make many Germans. I note that tickets were sold without luggage: I had to pay extra 750 UAH. For luggage through privat24. It is a little upset, because I took a few days of nerves (service and efficiency leaves much to be desired).

In Frankfurt, we met uncle. Before the cassel, he drove us on his car. I note that without a car in Germany, especially youth. My uncle has his family car and separately, more economical cars, in aunt. So in most families. There are public transport, but few people use them. For example, before the same Kassel from Frankfurt walks the train, comes right under the airport. We enjoyed it when I visited another uncle in Koblenz. From the Kassel to Koblenz could be reached in Frankfurt or Hesse. If you choose tickets through the site and in advance (the so-called "shparfrais", that is, the economy price), and then come to the station and buy them there, the ticket will cost 49-54 euros per person in two ends. If you buy on the site, then twice as expensive. I distracted and notice that the cars are new, the trains are departed on schedule, but it is not worth overestimaling: for example, in one of the trains was a broken toilet (act of vandalism), and on the way back the path of the following follows, that is, the train arrival platform (in the ticket Indicate this), and also sent a train in Kassel not to the Old Station, as it was first stated, but to a new one, and they said about it in the car only in German. It is said that the Germans are fluent in English, but it was little noticeable: all information on the scoreboard at the station was served exclusively in German.

Surprised by German roads - fast, clean. On the track there are toilets, and free and with all the amenities. Separate toilet for disabled.

In the cassel arrived at 4 days, that is, they traveled from Frankfurt about two hours. 16.00 - Time when the Germans finish work. Uncle led us to bakery. In Zhytomyr at 16.00 in markets a lot of bread, and often yesterday's day before yesters. In Kassel, everything is wrong. Bulkaya has almost closed: bread joined this time, there are few pastries. Uncle bought us quite a lot. The highest quality. The remaining bread in Germany is customary to give the poor, so fresh bread is fresh in bakery every day. It was surprised that merchants all wrap up into paper and absolutely not use disposable polyethylene sachets as usual from us. The Germans are smiling, wish you a good day, thank you for the purchase, but it's like a norm of etiquette, not a heart.

The next day went for a walk around the city. I note that it was cold enough: the first day I passed in jeans and a light jacket, sometimes put on a shirt and skirt. In general, as I noticed, the Germans do not like bright clothes, especially with the neckline. Just dressed only prostitutes. Unfortunately, the style of clothing of many Ukrainian girls is very similar to the style of German prostitutes: a short skirt, top, bright red lips. We drove past the house of "red lanterns". It is really red and located close to the Turkish quarter and the Student Quarter. The ladies go to the hunt for about 8 pm, when the majority of Germans resting. Prostitution in Germany is legal, but I did not notice the excitement from the German side. So, I will return to clothes: Germans, they themselves are not very attractive ladies, wearing white top and black bottom, both skirts and pants. I repeat: the clothing is modest, not causing too much attention, as possible. Old Germans love to wear traditional national clothing type pants with suspenders. In Germans, the cult of bicycles. Many cycling parking lots throughout the cassel, many pensioners ride on great. Many pensioners resting in the center of the Kassel. There are many cafes, where for 3 euros and you can buy tea, beer, wine with a bun, sausage. At every step they sell ice cream for 1 euro. This is a ball with a variety of filling in a waffle cup.

About 200 thousand people live in Kassel. For Germany, this is quite a lot. But people on the street meet hard. In the afternoon, there are mainly refugees, many women in Muslim national clothing. Uncle told that they all pay 170 euros per month for a child, plus a good benefit and housing. Assimilated a small percentage of refugees. Most of them do not want to learn the language and employ. The ratio of ordinary Germans to the Syrians, Pakistanis and other things are different, they open their dislike, they do not demonstrate, but they also did not notice the delight in their eyes. So, refugees go around the city in the morning, but they disappear without a trace closer in the late afternoon, when the native Germans return from work.

In the Kassel is quite boring. Life here is measured and leopard. People live according to the schedule: very early get up and go to work (one my aunt works as a cook and gets up at 4 o'clock in the morning, another aunt at 8.00, uncle, on the contrary, it works as a cook to the second shift from 14.00 to 23.00, but six days a week ), at 15.00-16.00 return home. There are no 24-hour shops. The coolest store worked until 22.00. On Sunday, shops do not work at all. It was very surprised. The Germans are reserved by the products in advance or go to nature in advance, visit the castles (we were in the Waldek Castle near the Kassel), there are cafes there.

If you still decided to visit the Cassel, then come to Friedrich's Area. This is the very center of the city, Baroque style. On the square you can find Fryderianum - one of the first to be available to all Museums of Europe. Every five years on this area, the exhibition of contemporary art Documenta is carried out. In 2016, she did not spend it, but Aunt showed us an album with a previous exhibition.

The main attraction of the Kassel is the statue of Hercules. It is located on the outskirts of the city, at an altitude, next to the forest. Hercules was on the restoration, so we did not climbed to the top. However, in a special subsens, they were able to look at him. From the height of Hercules, the whole city is visible. By the way, in the evening there are many young people and not only. Many Germans walk there dogs here, but they go with packages to remove the feces, there are also special machines where you can take a package if you forgot it at home. It is noteworthy that with dogs even in shopping centers, if she is on the collar.

Not far from the statue of Hercules there is a Kasselty art gallery. Would allocate many other park areas, where there are places for recreation and jogging. Old architecture. Complements its superior tram in the city center.

In Kassel, shopping is not bad. Prices in Germany on clothing and accessories are at times lower than in Ukraine. Often sell on stocks. On Saturday we went shopping. For example, I bought a bag from Tailor for 38 euros, jeans for 12 euros, T-shirts for 3 euros per piece, a winter sweater for 5 euros, sneakers - 50 euros. The choice is widely. Lost we went to the fish restaurant, where 10 euros were founded to the dump. Preparing really tasty, service is also at the level. Uncle told how his acquaintances from Ukraine often come to Germany just to buy clothes, and even lenting money for it.

What surprised. First of all, the homeless with an iPhone, who was looking for a bottle in the trash. The Germans are obsessed with a separate collection of garbage and savings. Uncle home separately a bucket for plastic, paper, glass, food waste. Live in the village, where the Germans appreciate the manure as a fertilizer, so the smells on the street - not very, and at home sometimes if the garbage does not throw out, waiting for the packages from them. Germans, even more or less secured, pass plastic. Not for the sake of money, but for the sake of nature savings. On the road from Frankfurt, there were many windmills and special plants that clean the lead.

Surprised that every step parks. Park everything yourself, on conscience, and pay where 0.5 euros per hour, where the euro per hour. The Germans are terrible knockachi, they may not be confused if the lawn does not fail, so Uncle hires with the neighbors of the gardener; If spacked on the grass; If the dog has fallen, and you did not remove. Neighbors negotiate their rights and obligations: for example, my uncle pays for the parking lot of his car in the yard, and the Tetina car stands on the street; Do not erase at night, as they also agreed; only certain varieties of trees are grown; Do not shout after 22.00. In the house - minimalism: wall or naked, or there are several photos in the frame. No carpets and sets. In clothes simplicity; noticed that the Germans prefer to wear checkered shirts.

In general, life in Kassel is measured, leisurely, scheduled for years ahead. I will come here again only at the invitation of uncle. There is no special drive and extreme, there are no bright colors and images. But clean, neatly and predictable.

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