Santa Maria-Sopra Minerva - the only Gothic Temple of Rome / Reviews of excursion and sights of Rome


Attractions in Rome are not just a lot, but a lot. Actually, the whole city is one big monument to Italian history and culture. And even returning there is far from the first time, you can find new interesting places, which will be remembered for a long time.

One of these places for me was the Basilica of the Dominican Order of Santa Maria-Sopra Minerva, not too well known compared to the rest of Roman churches and cathedrals. Nevertheless, it is very interesting and is largely unique. Firstly, this basilica is considered the only one preserved to our days by the Gothic temple of the Italian capital - it was laid as in 1280, and was opened in the 1370s. Secondly, many famous personalities are buried here - St. Ekaterina Siena, artist and monk Fra Beato Angelico, as well as many Roman dads. Thirdly, in this basilica, rituals of renunciation from their delusions of people recognized by the Catholic church of heretics or suspected in heresy, including Galileo Galilean and Count Caliostro.

Santa Maria-Sopra Minerva - the only Gothic Temple of Rome / Reviews of excursion and sights of Rome 25394_1

Well, and, in fourth, more than a modest facade - you can pass by and not to notice! - hides a very beautiful and magnificent interior decoration, however, already in many ways neootic. Fans of high art of the Renaissance Be sure to look here to admire the murals of Filippo Lippi and the Statue of Christ with a cross, performed by Michelangelo.

Santa Maria-Sopra Minerva - the only Gothic Temple of Rome / Reviews of excursion and sights of Rome 25394_2

A somewhat unusual name ("Holy Maria above Minerva") is due to the fact that the basilica is located where the church of the Egyptian goddess Isis once was mistakenly considered dedicated to Minerway. Now the "Egyptian" past of this place resembles a small obelisk on the square in front of the facade.

The address of the Basilica: Piazza della Minerva, 42. You can visit it completely free, from 8.00 to 19.00, on Saturday and Sunday - a break from 12.30 to 15.30.

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