Royal Budapest / Reviews of excursion and sights Budapest


Only returned from a very "fresh" trip to the city over the Danube - Budapest. I am ready to tell you in detail how it is better to spend Weekend with the benefit for the soul and wallet.

From the main station of Newgati, the center can be reached by metro or tram. There is 1 trip to any type of public transport 290 ft = 1 euro. It is most profitable to take a ticket for a whole day for about 4 euros. This will allow you to ride an unlimited number.

We settled in a hostel in the center of Budapest for 10 euros per day per person. This sum was the breakfast and light dinner. The hostel windows went to parliament, which inexperienced beautifully looks in the evening.

Royal Budapest / Reviews of excursion and sights Budapest 25390_1

And so, in two days you can consider the city completely. On the first day, we considered the right bank, and in the second - left. The city is divided into two parts of Buda and Pest, respectively. All attractions starting from the Potefi Bridge ending with Freedom Square I recommend to watch on foot. From mandatory places to visit, I want to celebrate the royal fonts - a complex of thermal pools on the territory of a huge park. The entrance costs 15 euros, but believe it is worth it. Also I advise you to look at the covered market. Here you will find a lot of interesting things. You can also eat cheaply here.

In general, Budapest is an inexpensive gastronomic paradise. There is even a "Mishlenovsky" restaurant, in which dinner for two will cost 20 euros. You can also dine in fashionable "ruins" by bars, where you eat in the institution in which complete destruction. You can also find inexpensive national restaurants with large portions.

Royal Budapest / Reviews of excursion and sights Budapest 25390_2

From entertainment for youth, I would advise you to visit the disco in the same aforementioned basins. It is also possible for a small fee to ride a river tram.

In Budapest, everyone will find a place for the soul. This city is never bored, and the Danube gives him special greatness. Drive and open new horizons for yourself.

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