

On the Canary Islands dreamed of relaxing for a long time, I remember in childhood, I remember the phrase of the kitten from one cartoon: "I want a bottle of sweet cream! I want to the distant Canary Islands! " And since then, I really wanted to see these islands. Another role was played by the book "Drivers of Frigates", Tenerif is described very well there. After it was released, finally, the Canary Islands, and, more precisely, it was on Tenerif, was disappointed.

Of course, the main attraction of the island, and if you figure it out and the only thing is the Tadeid volcano. By the way, it is described in the "Frigate drivers". The height of 3718 meters, so the temperature in the summer - 1. However, I was there in April, but also in the summer they say so. It is clear, once on the top of the volcano eternal snow, then as they climb all the climatic zones. In the course of the rise, by the way, in the literal sense will have to pass through the clouds, and then, an unforgettable spectacle, look at the clouds from above.

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Volcano Tayida

I drive by bus, the price of excursions 60 euros, and, by the way, the question of which you need to ask is important: is it like a tour of the funicular? The funicular raises tourists to a height of up to 3,500 meters. But, not in all excursions it enters, in addition, the funicular may not work because of bad weather.

In my case, fortunately worked.

"Martian landscapes" begin at a decent height. Tadeid acting volcano, the last eruption was in 1909, however, now experts argue that now the volcano is completely not dangerous. But there are places, it is on the mountain itself, richly covered with volcanic ashes, so nothing grows there. However, these places have their own harsh beauty.

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Martian landscape

At the top you need to have a warm jacket, the sweater will be not enough. And it is clear - 1, it is still frost. And under the pants to wear something does not hurt. In the tropics, by the way, it is very interesting, and perceived very exotic.

From the attractions, it is impossible, you can not not allocate my beloved - the beaches. They are also unique, on them black sand. Color, by the way, varies on different beaches, can be dark gray, and maybe black like coal.

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Black beach

There are beaches and with golden sand, artificial, it will be captured as much as Sahara.

You can also visit the zoo, a loss, aquapark.

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