Rainy Zagreb in the summer of 2014


I will start with the fact that, perhaps, someone will disappoint: Zagreb is not a classic resort. If you want the sea, the beach and complete relax, you need in Split, Pool or Dubrovnik. Croatia's capital for those who love to live leisurely enjoy cultural recreation in the museum or library.

I will begin with the fact that there are no direct flights of their Kiev to Zagreb: I had to fly with a change in Vienna. The cost of the ticket was then about 360 dollars, like most tickets to Europe from Ukraine. I note that on July 1, 2013, Croatia joined the EU, and I was interested in finding out for what such merits.

In Zagreb settled at his friend. Lived a month in removable 20 squares on the outskirts of the city. What surprised is transport. The main type of transport in the city is a tram. Several routes, go fine. Passengers buy tickets from the driver and compost in the cabin. Periodically coming checking. Some trams are clearly from the socialist period, since both in my native Zhytomyr go the same. By the way, the tram can be reached to the airport. Interestingly, you come to the building, there is a scoreboard with schedules of flights, but until the airport itself, you need to go by bus coming to every half hour. As for the bedrooms, it is harder to get there. Now I am absolutely serious: the buses in Zagreb go or once in half an hour, or once a hour. Lailed for a couple of minutes - wait for the next. The fare is 10 kun (1.5 euros). Many prefer bike, and it is not surprising.

I arrived on July 23 and stayed until August 21. The first weeks two were pouring rains, I had to look for something with a long sleeve. Balcony flooded in removable accommodation. Yes, and in general, within a month of sunny days there was little.

Regarding the price and quality of products, here I am a little disappointed. Compared to Bulgaria and Turkey, in Croatia is very expensive. Supermarkets like "Bill" or "Kaufland" everywhere, the product range is widely, the service is also at the level, but the prices bite. For example, a kilogram of peaches cost 9,99 kun (all prices are running out by 99), and this is a stock! There are almost no of its products: bread from Italy, fish from Spain, beer from Germany. Chocolate is better to buy, either not local, for example, I took the "Milk", for the Croatian chocolate, though cheap (4-6 kun, that is less than 1 euros), but it is impossible. Somehow, in the center of the city, Potatoes Frei - taste, I did not understand, some kind of plasticine. Products on the second or third day begin to rot. Ice cream is also incomprehensible: bought half a kilogram and put in the freezer. They filed, but then left on the table. So, instead of milk, painted painted water with slices of something white. Such pleasure was also cost in 9.99 kun. Of all I have been tried, only fish and fruits are more or less edible.

As for cultural recreation. I would advise to sit on the tram and come to the historic center of Zagreb. Square Bana Josip Elachic, Square of King Tomislav, Monument to the King Tomislav, Church of St. Mark, Zagreb University, is all very close. I liked that in the center there are a lot of greenery and parks, colorful architecture. Saw Russian tourists for whom the museum workers conducted a tour. There are many cafes and souvenir shops. But prices bite. I bought a T-shirt and bag, each product cost me 120 kun, that is, 18.5 euros. For comparison, it is 5-6 times more expensive than I bought a year earlier in Istanbul. In general, the historic center appeared to me: everything is clean, calm. He bought himself home and honey jams: near the train station, on the square, sold one woman. In English, she did not particularly understand, in Russian, too, but the word for the word we understood each other.

It would noted that the Zoo "Maximir" would notice: there is good to walk with kids, because there is a parking area. But it rained, and I could not have fun at all 100.

To all those who love history and culture, would certainly be useful to visit here. Fight finances - and on the road. I also wanted something more driving, with a highlight, with bright colors. Unfortunately, I did not find this in Zagreb.

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