Topkapi and harem / reviews about excursions and sights of Istanbul


In the Topkapi Palace and the Harem hosted on its territory at the end of July 2013, along with her friend and friend. Flew from Ukraine. At first were surprised by modern service. A ticket to Topkapi Palace cost 25 Turkish lira (it was equal to 100 hryvnias, or 13 dollars). The system is interesting: you sell a ticket to the palace right at the entrance, you go to the subway, scan (if you do not know how, then the museum workers will help), then come and enjoy. The territory is huge and in one day it is difficult to manage. My girlfriend Julia loved to be photographed, almost every object, so we had to visit the palace twice. True, the shooting is not allowed in all rooms. I will add about the "underwater stone". We went on a tour of two hours in the afternoon: in Istanbul in the morning a terrible fry. Julia on joy began to be photographed. So far reached the harem (and it is placed in the Topkapi, it is necessary to pay 15 lir separately, or 60 UAH., Or about $ 8), it turned out that already 5.30 pm, and tickets sell up to 5 pm. Julia said that, without having seen a harem, will not fly home. The next day, we came with yesterday's tickets and tried to explain to the employees of the museum complex that we were in the topkapy yesterday, we only need to harem, they say, do not take money for the entrance. But employees of the cultural institution know their business: we paid 25 lira again to get to the palace. But this time, taking into account yesterday's mistake, immediately ran to the entrance to the harem and bought there a ticket. They were on the territory of the complex again three hours, no less. By the way, they found the library of Sultan, which did not pay attention earlier. I am sure that I would find something new on the third day.

We struck us the richest apartments, a collection of weapons, paintings, luxurious painting on the walls and an amazing architecture. Just at this time, the movie about Roxolane went, and we seemed to be unwittingly moved to the Middle Ages. The museum complex is located in the heart of the old Istanbul, in Sultanahmet. We lived in a hotel nearby, and therefore they traveled on foot. It was surprised that very few Russians, mostly foreigners (met a woman from Canada) and the elderly. We did not order a guide, went for themselves, but many foreigners went in the headphones and listened to the text of the excursion.

On the territory of the complex amazing nature. There are shops with food and souvenirs, small cafes. So you should not take food with you, although we walked with small packages where water and chocolate bars were laid. We missed us without any problems. Still surprised the bookstore. I saw the books about Turkey (by the way, much cheaper than at the airport), about the museum itself. Many souvenirs with the image of roxolane. Employees speak in English perfectly, but no one understands in Russian.

I also liked the wonderful nature, many colors and greens. Shop, if you are tired. Toilet, however, not very tidy, but acceptable. Nobody goes for you and does not watch that you touch. Signs to exhibits both in Turkish and English.

Of course, to visit such a place is expensive. In memory I bought a book about the harem and topkapi in English. I would advise you to visit the museum complex to people who know a sense in art, but not to children. They will not be as interesting as girls and people of the older age group.

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