Acropolis / Reviews of excursion and sights Athens


Acropolis / Reviews of excursion and sights Athens 25324_1

The literal translation of the word Acropolis, from the ancient Greek, means the upper city, and, in general, the Russian is equivalent to the Kremlin. That is, the fortified part of the ancient city, located on the elevation. Athens Acropolis is also located on a hill (height of 156 meters) and was the residence of the monarch, and the temple complex.

For a tourist, the Acropolis is particularly interesting because the main attractions of Athens are concentrated in it, and they can be examined in one excursion.

It is now fully undergoing restoration work, and it will take it one of the main, without exaggeration you can call lifting cranes. Particularly actively restation of Parfenon. By the way, Parthenon is also interesting because he was a temple of three religions. At the time of the cult of Olympians, he was the temple of Athens, in the Christian times the temple of Our Lady, and in the period of Turkish conquest - a mosque.

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By the way, restoration work in the Acropolis began in the XIX century, immediately after gaining independence by Greece.

Also, one of the most important modern will accept Acropolis is that he has a very well-thought-out illumination system, and therefore it is best viewed at twilight.

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Acropolis at dusk

In addition to Parfenon in Acropolis, the mass of other attractions. For example, it is Odeon Gerods Attic, theater of Dionysus, Erehechyon, and this is not a complete list.

Odeon Herodes Attic is a very majestic structure in the form of an amphitheater. At one time he was a place of singing and musical competitions characteristic of ancient Athens. It was five thousand places in it. By the way, the entrance is there for a fee, and only during performances, which, it turns out, is held now.

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Odeon geodes attic

Theater of Dionisa is one of the most ancient theaters in the world, it was built in the 5th century BC. And first was wooden. In 326-325, it was reconstructed and the scene and a number of seats became marble. In total, it was seventeen thousand seats. At that time, this was half of the Athenians who had a citizen's rank. He had no roof, which is understandable, and all the views, always, went under the open sky.

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Theater of Dionysus

Erechteyon is one of the main ancient temples and was devoted to the two deities of Athena and Poseidon at once. As is known from mythology, both of these deities compete in the patronage of Athens. In addition, he is dedicated to the mortal, legendary king Erechte.

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It is difficult to call the exact price of the excursion, since the excursions in Acropolis organizes many firms, and prices vary in unthinkable ranges.

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