Temple of the Savior Blood. The most memorable temple of St. Petersburg / reviews about excursions and attractions of St. Petersburg


During the trip to St. Petersburg, it is this temple for some reason I remember best. I still remember the words of the girl's guide. And they, as a rule, are forgotten as soon as you leave.

The trip was in the summer of 2016. The cost of the entrance ticket was, if not mistaken - 50 rubles (this tariff is valid for students), for adult ticket is much more expensive, more than 200 rubles.

Temple of the Savior Blood. The most memorable temple of St. Petersburg / reviews about excursions and attractions of St. Petersburg 25320_1

Most of all in the inner architecture of the temple struck his airiness and light. I got used to the fact that the Orthodox church is dark, quiet. The same violates, it seems that all canons. There are very large windows in it and a lot of daylight penetrates through them. In the temple is pleasant to be. It strikes with his ease and some kind of air industry. It also does not have a large number of traditional "heavy" elements with gilding: icons, crosses, candlesticks, etc. And I am ready to look at the mosaic of the temple for hours. She is there everywhere. It seems that the whole temple from such a mosaic puzzle is developing. I do not know why, but I had such an impression.

Temple of the Savior Blood. The most memorable temple of St. Petersburg / reviews about excursions and attractions of St. Petersburg 25320_2

Temple of the Savior Blood. The most memorable temple of St. Petersburg / reviews about excursions and attractions of St. Petersburg 25320_3

Externally liked the temple even more than in the middle. First, it is located in a stunning place near the channels. It opens a very beautiful view. Secondly, his dome is somehow unusual. This attracts. Despite the fact that this temple in its appearance does not look like any building around, he very well fits into a common ensemble. I definitely do not remember who the architect of this temple, but he exactly managed to create a temple, which is the most memorable of all Peter temples. With that, brightly remember all its details both external and internal.

Temple of the Savior Blood. The most memorable temple of St. Petersburg / reviews about excursions and attractions of St. Petersburg 25320_4

Temple of the Savior Blood. The most memorable temple of St. Petersburg / reviews about excursions and attractions of St. Petersburg 25320_5

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