Rest at Rimini Resort - this is a sea of ​​drive and entertainment


Rimini is considered the most popular resort, because there are already 15 beaches for any taste and mood. Unfortunately all the beaches are paid. You can go into the water and you can take a dip, but you will not be able to lie under the umbrella. The employee will definitely suit you and ask you to leave or pay money. Lyzhik costs 6 euros and a whole set -16 euro. It is more profitable to buy a subscription for a whole month for 15 euros.

Rest at Rimini Resort - this is a sea of ​​drive and entertainment 25298_1

As I traveled with friends, I almost impossible to find accommodation for a large number of people. In ordinary hotels in one room there are only two people. Therefore, in one room, we paid 20 euros.

Among the attractions include the arch of Emperor Augustus, Tiberia Bridge, Cavur Square, Cathedral and "House of Surgeon". However, who is interested to walk on architectural monuments, if the beach and the sea of ​​entertainment are not far away.

The only thing that really costs is diving.

Rest at Rimini Resort - this is a sea of ​​drive and entertainment 25298_2

It is not recommended to swim to the shore, because through the sandy bottom of the water is very muddy. The further you float from the coast, the greater the chances to see the turtles, bright fish, marine stars and corals. For such a case, the Natural Park "Mountain San Bartolo" is perfect. Prices for immersion range from 20 to 40 euros.

For a week of rest, I tried all Italian dishes. Honestly, for such a short period of time, I never ate so many pasta. Among the desserts you can allocate panna-cott and tiramisu. In general, dinner in Restaurants Rimini costs 10-12 euros.

According to his own experience, I can say that by visiting Rimini absolutely every tourist is obliged to do a few things. First of all, you need to relax well at the 15-kilometer beach "La Marina". Also in the local restaurant you can taste Parma ham and parmesan. "House of Surgeon" will like medical workers and fans of acute sensations. Every woman is simply obliged to go through the stores and bring home several new things. Those who know Federico Fellini will be able to dine in his favorite diner, walk along his street and sit on his bench.

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