Vinarn Street Flashing in Prague / Reviews of excursion and sights Prague


In many cities in the world there are little streets. Seville, Brashow, Riga, ... It is not known how they were formed: may architect specially designed, maybe they accidentally appeared during the reconstruction of houses. It does not matter, the main thing is that over time they have become a landmark and even the pride of the city's inhabitants.

It is not by chance that many tourists look at the rinar of the flaw in Prague. It is difficult to meet a narrower street - the width is only 70 cm. It is so narrow that the returning home "under the shaf" of the walk boldly goes without fear of falling. "The native walls" support him ", - these words finish the guides of funny stories from the lives of citizens. Always clean and neat street, as it were, calling their signs all new passersby. For the severity of sensations, a pedestrian traffic light is installed, signing that the path is free and another visitor Can satisfy his curiosity: "What is the end of the street?"

Vinarn Street Flashing in Prague / Reviews of excursion and sights Prague 25236_1

And there is "Varnarna Damnka" - a restaurant with Czech beer and national appetizers, located on the terrace overlooking the "Damn" river, ishing the walls of old houses with its waters. Prague Venice - so called its locals.

Vinarn Street Flashing in Prague / Reviews of excursion and sights Prague 25236_2

Always wondered how these walls are not destroyed by decades, while modern bricks and stucco do not stand up and a couple of years begin to fall apart after the next rain?

Vinarn Street Flashing in Prague / Reviews of excursion and sights Prague 25236_3

All this color can be seen, being in the center of the city near the Museum of Kafki and Karlova Bridge, under one of the arches of which proceeds.

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