Maldiva-sleep on Java.


Maldives, as much in this word. Maldives are paradise on earth, bright paints and unlimited rest. San Island resort island is located on Ari Atoll. Ari Atoll is considered one of the best places where the Maldives are located. San Island attracted the Council of Extremely Nature. Arriving on the island, the first thing you see while you go through the pier is the transparent water of the blue waters of the Indian Ocean. Multicolored fish float next to the pier and wait for them when they throw a piece of buns.

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As soon as you descend from the pier, you turn out to be palm trees and bright shrubs before your eyes. If you raise your head to the top, then you can see a lot of coconuts that are so mounted. On the island a huge number of palm trees on which fresh coconuts hang, but they will not be easy to get them. But it's not a problem. Under each palm, you can find not enough already fallen cocos, with delicious coconut milk inside. If you go deep into the island, you can already meet banana groves. Little Bananas, Green. Since they are not ripe, then the cucumbers resemble the taste.

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When you go on the island, the smell of colors that are here everywhere are felt. Basically, there are orchids. They give the island such an aroma. On the island is not only a rich underwater world in which you meet the rods, reef sharks, corals, but also many representatives of the animal world. If you often look up on palm trees, you can see not only coconuts, but bats.

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These are such creatures that are very similar to a bat, but much more.

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The island is plotting storks. Especially many storks can be found on the beach during the evening feeding of the skates.

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They also come to reinforce. Surprisingly the skates do not touch them. The underwater world on the island is not only beautiful, but also very friendly. Very much you can meet sharks of a variety of sizes.

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Sharks are very afraid of man, and do not represent any danger to him. When you swim from the mask and consider the fish, they stay alongside, but do not touch themselves.

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Skates also do not represent any danger, they lie quietly at the bottom and do not touch anyone. However, you should not try to touch them for the tail, can strike the current. The only inhabitant of the ocean that can bring trouble is the Yozh. If you come on it, it will not seem little. But there are very few of them, and the water is so transparent that the risk of stepping on the hedgehog is almost equal to zero.

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