Church of the Holy Trinity in Budva: Spiritual Corner for the tourist / reviews about tours and sights Budva


Montenegro - spiritual country. Many churches and monasteries are in these parts. One of the most beautiful is the Church of the Holy Trinity in Budva. The shrine is located in the old town and you can get to her very quickly, just a few minutes from the center. In such places I love to walk alone, because I am not on an excursion, but spiritually evicted. But do not expect that you will be alone in the church, there are always a lot of tourists there. Try to abstract and enjoy the beauty of the shrine. The entrance to the church is free, you can buy candles, icons and other attributes. The Church of the Holy Trinity was built in the early 19th century and is considered to be the cultural heritage of Montenegro. Interesting was the stage of its construction - the stones were settled by layers and alternated red and white colors. Byzantine style emphasizes the individuality of the church, makes it majestic against the background of the Adriatic Sea. Be sure to pay attention to the church. She is amazing and manites around others. The church was very injured during an earthquake, but she was restored to the joy of Orthodox parishioners. Visiting this attraction will enrich your spiritual world and tell about Montenegro, as a highly spiritual country. You do not spend on the inspection neither the cue, and the pleasure of what will be seen will be significant. An excellent gift brought from vacation will be the icon of patrons of the Church - the Holy Trinity. The excursion will suit any tourist, regardless of age, and will remain a bright memories of the necklace of other impressions about the beautiful Montenegro.

Church of the Holy Trinity in Budva: Spiritual Corner for the tourist / reviews about tours and sights Budva 25132_1

Church of the Holy Trinity in Budva: Spiritual Corner for the tourist / reviews about tours and sights Budva 25132_2

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