Temple of the Assumption of the Virgin / Reviews of excursion and sights of Jerusalem


Not far from the Garden Garden and the Church of the 12 Apostles in Jerusalem in Eliat Mount is the temple of the Assumption of the Virgin. When we were there on the excursion, the distance from the Gethsemane Garden to this Temple can be overcome on foot for 10-15 minutes. The terrain is mountainous, although today everything is already in the roads and sidewalks, but if you go from the Gethsiman Garden to the temple of the Assumption, it is necessary to go down all the time, along a steep descent. Because of the set of pilgrims, slippery sidewalks so you need to go carefully.

The temple itself is an old building, and as the guide told us, it was a rock, which was the family tomb of relatives Mary, Mother Jesus. The entrance to the church consists of steep steps down, but the plus is that the staircase is large and wide, so the guides right on the steps tell the story of this temple.

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The most important point is that in this temple there is a tomb of Mary, and also her icon, according to Guide, all other icons are written with this Jerusalem icons. The icon itself is very beautiful, patient, framed in pink marble. For all pilgrims, it is very important to touch the icon and pray for the Holy Virgin.

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The temple of the Assumption of the Virgin is divided into several parts: the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, as well as the chapel for Muslims.

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This temple is also interesting because it is the tombs of Mary's parents, on the one side of the staircase, on the other side of the staircase buried Joseph, Stefan was buried below, which beat the faith in Jesus, and in the very center of the temple there is a tomb of Mary.

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For Christians around the world, this place is sacred, and to visit it is a great honor and joy. Personally, I really liked this temple in this temple, what peace and peace reigns in it, even there, there are a lot of people, there is no noise, there are no pillars.

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