Dombai - not only the ski resort!


She was with her husband and sister 8 days at Dombay in September 2016. I fond of hiking in the mountains. For 8 days, they rose twice on the lifts, were on the Chuchur waterfall, Baduk's lakes, Turgy Lake, Shumka Waterfall, visited Teberdinsky Zoo.

The "babble" went out independently, without a conductor. Only when visiting the tour of the lake asked the owners of the hotel to thorough on the jeep to the Alibek camp (walking far away). The market price of "cast" to Alibek - one and a half thousand rubles in one direction per car.

Dombaby is located in Teberdinsky Reserve, so when visiting a tourist trail is required for the entrance. Everywhere paid 100 rubles, and in Baduk's lakes, the entrance costs 300 rubles. Also required skip to enter the reserve. It can be issued for free on the website of the State Service. We did not know about it, so I ordered a pass through the company for 500 rubles. Also on the main tourist trails, the skip can be arranged for one day at the foresters at the entrance to the reserve.

The lift at the highest point will cost a little more than a thousand rubles. Weather in the mountains changed, so when lifting it is better to capture a cap and warm things with it. On other paths in September, it was warm enough, the warm jacket is not needed.

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The hardest path was to Baduksky lakes. Raised to lakes 6 hours, descended 2.5. On the way there is marines, that is, the boulders who left the glacier. It is impossible to go around them, you have to flatter on the stones.

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Total lakes three pieces, if you reached the first, then you must see all three, they are located nearby. Water in the cold lakes, about +5 degrees, because it flows from the glacier. Speak to decide in such water only brave.

The easiest was walking to Shumka waterfall. The rise and descent to the waterfall is a slow step with photographing on the road takes a little more than three hours. This journey can be used in an unloading day. To get to the entrance to the trails to Baduk's lakes, Shumkov's waterfall, before the Eberda village is easiest to be hitchhiking. Some locals did not even take money for the trip.

In general, Dombai left a very pleasant impression. Snow Queen lived at the hotel. In the summer, the host provides accommodation discounts. Dining went to the cafe "Shumka". If you eat every day, the cafe offers a discount on dishes. Portions are very big, so we always had one dish. In the same cafe there are also locals, so the quality of the dishes is at the height.

Beautiful in Dombaya Unusual! I would like to come again to go along the trails that could not be visited at the first visit.

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