Visit to the Republic of Uzupis / Reviews of excursion and sights of Vilnius


While in Vilnius, it will certainly be to get acquainted with the UPUIS.

"The state in the state" is located in the very center of the city, his old part. The once forgotten quarter of artisans and urban poor in the 90s unexpectedly became popular. He was chosen by the artists-avant-gardeists, poets, musicians and masters of folk crafts, transforming unusual bright colors.

Bohemian Quarter, Vilnius Montmartre, - call him guests of the city. For residents, this is their own Republic: with the flag, the constitution and even the army as part of a dozen soldier. And on April 1, 1997, the inhabitants proclaimed the Independence Day of Jupis. On this day, "fun border guards" check passports, and on the main square of the "Angela" passes the army parade.

Visit to the Republic of Uzupis / Reviews of excursion and sights of Vilnius 25035_1

You can visit this colorful quarter alone or with a guide, whose services companies up to 5 people will cost about 70 euros.

Next to the uninhabited dilapidated buildings, you can see decent mansions of the bohemian elite of Vilnius, the famous sculpture of the Mermaid, familiar with the Constitution of the Republic, stacked on the wall of the building. Quarter's sights are: The Palace of Graduates, the Church of St. Bartholomew, and the main symbol of the Jupis is a pipe angel.

Visit to the Republic of Uzupis / Reviews of excursion and sights of Vilnius 25035_2

It is interesting to visit the workshops and constantly acting art galleries and photo exhibitions.

Having read the local attractions, it will be nice to go to the "tongue" to drink beer or a cup of fragrant coffee in one of the numerous local cafes. The excursion will be interesting not only to the "former hippie", but also to all other now decent citizens, and at any time of the year.

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