Wall crying - My Impressions / Reviews of excursion and sights of Jerusalem


I was near the wall of crying in Jerusalem twice already, and I would love to go there more and more.

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In my opinion, this is one of the most interesting places in Israel, and not because you can put a prayer there, and how many say: "make a desire," and it will be fulfilled, but because it is a holy place that can visit absolutely every Man without looking at his religious affiliation.

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Now, if you just come to Israel and want to go to the territory on which artodox jews live, then there you can even beat you, and I cry near the wall, you can freely be free and not afraid of anything!

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To get to the cry of crying, you need to go through several procedures. First, it is to show your personal belongings on a police inspection. It is impossible to take sharp, stitching and cutting items to the cry of crying, as well as glass bottles. The second stage, it is necessary to wear a long skirt or trousers for women, and close your shoulders, and for men - pants and shirt, no shorts and pastes. But it is worth thinking about it in advance. Also at home you can write your prayer note, to then put it between the stones and pray for your problems and questions. I have been praying with a list every time, and I know that many more people who have a day and night will pray for this prayer that day and night. This is perhaps one of the most interesting places, because the prayer here goes on day and night !!! Also before entering the wall, you need to wash your hands from special lines, as it is impossible to touch the wall with dirty hands.

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The walls of crying always have many people, a group of people from different countries of the world come here, so it is always crowded here and you can hear any language and adverb.

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As the guide told us, this is the wall of the fence of the temple, which a long-time King Solomon was built on the command of God. From the temple, there is nothing left now, and the place where the temple stood now belongs to the Arabs, and the Jews and all people have all people left this rest of the wall, near which you can pray.

By the way, another interesting fact is that the wall is divided into two parts - male and female, as the Jews do not pray together.

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