Museum-Diorama - to know its history / reviews about tours and sights of Voronezh


The Museum-Diorama in Voronezh is devoted to military history, primarily the Voronezh region, and Russia as a whole.

Attracts the attention of all the exhibition of military equipment at the door of the museum. Basically here the tanks of the Second World War, there is even a helicopter. Children can be closed on tanks, they do not swear.

Museum-Diorama - to know its history / reviews about tours and sights of Voronezh 24980_1

Closer to the museum itself there is a small eternal flame, and the Karaul cadets are carried.

The building of the museum is two-story. Friendly guard will tell me where to start inspection, by the way, is allowed to photograph within the museum itself.

Museum-Diorama - to know its history / reviews about tours and sights of Voronezh 24980_2

There are a lot of genuine exhibits, since the time of Peter first and to the present day, many stands are told about Voronezh-heroes, there are their personal belongings, weapons, the story of the exploits.

Museum-Diorama - to know its history / reviews about tours and sights of Voronezh 24980_3

A collection of military awards of both Tsarist Russia and Soviet, modern awards are also presented to us very impressed us.

On the second floor there is a diorama, which is a battlefield at the Chizhov bridgehead during the Great Patriotic War.

In addition, the museum is the center of upbringing patriotism, there are often additional exhibitions here, there is a library where the books of the military-patriotic direction are located.

Museum-Dorama will be interested in anyone interested in the history of their country, starting with children and until any age. Everything was very interesting to our child, and we were examined with interest all exposures. In the museum you can not touch things with your hands, so you have to carefully follow the children, as they are wonderful, and they always strive to touch anything.

Works museum every day, except Monday.

The museum works for free, but accepts donations to development and content. So you can leave the money, how much is not a pity, in the box at the entrance.

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