What is worth viewing in Brest?


Brest is not only one of the six regional centers of Belarus, but also the most western city. It is not just a place that boasts with its thousand-year history and rich cultural heritage, but also a coming monument to the courage of the people.

One of the main attractions of Brest is the Brest Fortress, the defenders whose month was held back on the enemy in June-July 1941. Their immortal feat was immortalized in a memorial complex that attracts tourists from many countries. Passing through a symbolic entrance in a powerful wall, you get on the territory of the former fortress.

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If you stay under gray vaults, you can hear a familiar voice that announced the beginning of the war. Coming out of the darkness of the transition, you see green trees, neatly laid tiles and remnants of the fortress facilities, which appeared here, by the way, in the middle of the 19th century. It is impossible to fully present what is happening here during the war without visiting the Museum of Defense of the Brest Fortress, the exposition of which is devoted to the subject of the Great Patriotic War and the history of the fortress. After such an acquaintance with the history of this place, you can look at the preserved bastions, the main monument with the eternal fire and the rigorous up Obelisk, the platforms with samples of military equipment or go to the temple, the Holy Nikolaev garrison cathedral. This place is filled with memories of the distant 1941, about the victims that had to go for the sake of salvation of the Motherland.

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Leaving from the territory of the Brest Fortress, you can see the complex of the most interesting museum under the open-air museum, which clearly describes the development of railway transport. More than 50 cars, locomotives and other objects associated with the railway are presented here.

Not far from Brest passes the Belarusian-Polish border, so if you make a small hook to the West, you can see the beginning of the border guard, connecting the CIS countries with the European Union.

Nearby, almost in the center of the city there is a unique museum "Saved Art Values", representing the richest collection of rarers, on time noticed by customs officers when trying to export them abroad. Many exhibits are truly amazed by their luxury and honorable age.

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Having been in Brest, it is impossible not to look at the largest transportation assembly of Belarus - the railway station. And from here you can go to the evening walk on one of the most picturesque Brest streets - Soviet pedestrian street. It is sometimes called "Brest Arbat". A beautiful, paved by a cobblestone, streets decorate not only vintage lights and elegant benches, which are pleasant to sit and relax, but also interesting sculptures. In particular, here you can find "cats of cats", near which couples are photographed with pretty pleasure.

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In addition, if you're lucky, then on the clock installed nearby, you can find out the exact time and see the lamp, which every night lights the lanterns on this street.

In the very heart of Soviet street, the majestic Millennium Monument to the Millennium of Brest, perpetuated by the monument of the Guardian angel and surrounded by outstanding historical personalities.

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In my opinion, Brest is one of the most interesting Belarusian cities, where it is necessary to come and enjoy his history and beautiful species. It really is worth it. Brest will not leave anyone indifferent.

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