Chersonese Tauride / Reviews of excursion and sights Sevastopol


I want to share the impression of a visit to one of the main attractions of Sevastopol - the historical and archaeological museum-reserve "Chersonese Tavrichesky". Last summer, we rested our family near Sevastopol and decided to diversify swimming in the sea in the city. Tickets for a sightseeing tour with visits to expositions purchased at the checkout at the entrance to the reserve. The cost of one adult ticket amounted to 300 rubles, children's - 150 rubles. This day, weather forecasters promised very hot, so we took with you more water and bright hats. The ruins of Chersonese are under the scorching sun, where there is not a single tree, so people with light skin need to be protected in order not to burn.

Going to the territory of the reserve, it is necessary to pay attention literally to all that you see. The first attraction of the settlement, which met immediately after the entrance is a round site, which in the IV-III centuries BC was the theater. Following the track behind the guide, the Vladimir Cathedral opened our gaze.

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Services in the Orthodox church are kept constantly, so you can visit it if there are appropriate clothes.

All the buildings of the settlement are strongly destroyed and similar to each other.

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Only historical information told by the guide and plates on the walls helped us understand that these were for the buildings.

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The most beautiful part of Chersonese is a basil in the form of white colon on the very seashore. Here we had the most original photos.

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And of course the famous bell, which is no longer one hundred years.

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After an organized excursion, we decided to independently walk on the territory of the reserve to make more frames of this ancient settlement. I liked my husband along the reserve from start to the end, but our children 6 and 9 years old became taste only when an official excursion was over with a guide. In total, in Chersonese we spent more than three hours. I did not want to leave this place and, in the hope of a quick return, we threw the whole family on a coin in the sea.

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