Disneyland in France / reviews about excursions and attractions of Paris


Visited Disneyland in France during a tourist trip over Europe. Tickets were purchased in advance, through the operator's tour. That is, during the rest in Paris, our permanent conductor acquired tickets to Disneyland at our request. Paid 3600 rubles per person.

On the appointed day, early in the morning, the excursion bus arrived and took the group of people from the hotel. As it turned out, the amusement park is located 30-40 km from Paris. The road took no more than an hour at least time flew quickly. The bus stopped in the parking lot, we went on foot to the entrance. What was at the entrance is not to describe words. We were waiting for a huge queue! When the central doors opened, the queue began to decrease quickly.

When you go inside, as if you get in a fairy tale! How then they were told, Disneyland in Paris is one of the most diverse and large areas in the world. At the entrance, we received a map in which it is not difficult to figure out. With such a card and you will not be lost, all power facilities, bathrooms and input / output are marked. The purchased ticket was designed for the whole day of the park. You could visit any rides, halls, areas as much as you like. The only thing for the whole day will definitely have to eat several times. We snapped in all places, the food was incredibly tasty, and, accordingly, expensive. There are also shopping benches, in which you can buy souvenirs with images of Disney heroes.

For those who want to visit this wonderful place, several tips:

1) Keep in mind that entertainment here is designed for all ages;

2) consider that every time you have to stand in the queue;

3) take hats with you, windbreakers - suddenly you are not lucky with the weather;

4) The best time visits, in my opinion, spring.

5) Listen to the instructions of attractions staff to avoid injuries!

The time spent here will appreciate the person of any age! The group that came with us included a variety of ages from 6 to 50 years. It was fun! Adults walked, photographed with animators, ride boats, cups and other, "calm" carousels. We, by virtue of their age (we were at that time for 19 years), they went around everything, rolled on each carousel several times, defending huge queues before that!

Disneyland in France / reviews about excursions and attractions of Paris 24918_1

Disneyland in France / reviews about excursions and attractions of Paris 24918_2

Disneyland in France / reviews about excursions and attractions of Paris 24918_3

Disneyland in France / reviews about excursions and attractions of Paris 24918_4

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