Park Miniaturk - All Turkey as a palm / reviews about excursions and sights of Istanbul


Miniaturk Park is a unique place where the country's different architectural attractions are collected, but they are fulfilled in a reduced size. I advise you to visit this place, highlighting at least 1.5-2 hours of time on an excursion.

Tickets sell at the entrance. The cost of one 10 Turkish lire (almost 3 dollars). Duration of stay is not limited: You can walk at least a whole day! On the territory of the park there is a cafe where you can have a snack, as well as (in my case), I will warm up a little, because I was in the park in December and the temperature approached the mark 0.

Park Miniaturk - All Turkey as a palm / reviews about excursions and sights of Istanbul 24908_1

The park territory is rather large: to worry that you do not get access to one or another sights because of the influx of visitors is not worth it. Near each structure there is a sign with a brief information about it (in Turkish, Arabic and English).

I am sure that such an excursion will have to the shower and children, and adults. After all, some facilities, such as Ataturk Airport in miniature, will delight visitors with moving aircraft that imitates take off. And the abundance of green plantings, shops and a calm atmosphere have to carry out in the park not one hour.

Park Miniaturk - All Turkey as a palm / reviews about excursions and sights of Istanbul 24908_2

If you want, you can take with you for a walk any food and drinks, except for alcohol, of course. I did not notice anywhere in the park for banners forbidding smoking, but also did not see smoking people. Also, visitors with domestic pets did not come across my eyes - most likely the entrance is prohibited.

It was pleasantly pleased with the assortment of souvenirs and prices for them to shop in the territory of the miniatur. Buy a key chain or magnet to a good quality refrigerator can be just 1 liter.

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