Kayo-Coco - Cuban Maldives.


At the end of February recreation two weeks with a girlfriend at Kayo-Koko. This island, a little north of the main island of Cuba, connected to her dear dam, built right in the ocean. Previously, this island was a protected reserve, where it was forbidden to live people, but the last 15 years there is actively developing tourism and built about 15 hotels on the coast. In addition to them there is a small shopping center, a nightclub, dolphinarium and yacht pier. All hotels operate on the system all inclusive with the main restaurant, restaurants a la map and endless bars with 24-hour service. Most tourists for Cayo Coco - Canadians, for them it is something like a summer cottage, cheap and close. Russian tour operators have taken tourists there this year for the first time, so they are not particularly accustomed to our there.

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The island is 700 km from Havana and 500 from Varadero, so it's better to fly directly to Cayo Coco, there is a small airport. I recommend flying to the Havana to the Havana also on the plane, 120 euros there and back. A trip to Cuban roads by bus is not the easier journey. Kayo-Coco himself is an incredibly beautiful island, with mangrove forests and coconut palm trees, white small, clean sand, turquoise water in the ocean, so transparent that the shoals of fish and marine stars are visible without a mask. A huge number of birds flies around - you can watch the Ibis and Pelicans hunt, the herds of storks and pink flamingos live on lakes. By the way, as Flamingo flies, I first saw it here. Saw also like a small bird whirlpool saw nectar from a flower.

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All hotels on the island of 4 and 5 stars, we had a four, but I have no one complaint to the hotel. A large clean room, with new furniture and ocean views, cleaned every day. Delicious, different food every day. Compared to Cuban "All Inclusive", Turkish just misery. More delicious shrimps and grilled fish I have not eaten anywhere. Delicious Roma-based cocktails, surprisingly good wine, fragrant coffee, a lot of fruit, although winter is not a season for them in Cuba. Cayo-Coco and the nearby island of Kayo Guillermo runs the tourist bus, which is pleased to the most beautiful beach of Pilar. He really amazes imagination. Usually I try to go on vacation in different places, but I would gladly returned to Cayo-Coco.

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